Image source: facebook.com/peter.kasirivu
Gaba Community Church lead Pastor Peter Kasirivu together with his wife Irene, are celebrating 30 years of marriage.
The two exchanged their wedding vows on 8th January 1994 at Makerere Full Gospel Church located in Kampala, Uganda. At that time, Peter was only 32 years of age, while Irene was 29.
“30 years ago today, this lady accepted to begin a journey of companionship with me. She has loved me, has been a friend and we have enjoyed raising a family and serving Jesus together,” Pastor Peter Kasirivu, who is also President of Africa Renewal Ministries, said Monday.
The couple has four children and several grand children.
During an exclusive interview with UG Christian News in 2019, Pastor Peter stated: “the day we walked down the aisle, our commitment was for life.”
He explained further that his desire was to get a wife who loves ministry and has a passion for God.
“We were not testing this, or trying it out. We were committing ourselves for life. Marriage is a covenant, it is not a contract. A contract has a life span and it has conditions. I feel I have kept my promise to her,” he said.
Recalling her 1st year in marriage, Pastor Irene stated that whatever challenges they faced, “we always looked at how best to handle them.”
“The good thing is that I came when I was prepared. I knew that since I have made the vows before God, there is no going back home. It was a bit of a challenge, but I asked God to help me,” she told Uganda Christian News at the time.
“We found that if someone is gong through a stressful situation, you let them cool down. We have learnt to talk through our issues. Personally I cannot sleep when I know there is an unresolved issue. We have heard several opportunities to fight, but we’ve decided not to fight.
“We have disagreed several times but, we decided we never disagree publicly. If we have any issues, we take the matter to the bedroom. Our children have never seen us fighting or quarrelling . It is very important for you to protect your private life. You will never find us talk ill against each other to the kids. They know we are the greatest friends, and greatest heroes to each other. If anyone ever tells you they never have disagreements, they are lying,” Pastor Irene shared.

Pastor Kasirivu believes that the “cost of divorce” is “more expensive and painful” than staying together even to those who say it is a “bad marriage”.
“As a minister, my personal desire should never over take my responsibility towards my wife, kids and people that I lead. If I fail at marriage, regardless of what anointing I have, I don’t have a message to preach. And because of that, I should do whatever it takes to cater of this relationship,” he told this website.
“As a minister, your family has to come first, next to God. Many times I see ministers putting ministry first before their children and wife, which is a challenge. When I look at a strong man of God, I am so eager to look at his wife and children. I am eager to know how their relationship is. That is when I am able to put out my ear and listen to his sermon,” Pastor Irene remarked.