THE PRAYER CONFERENCE – 2022 | God’s desire to send revival is greater than our desire to receive revival. Revival which is the outpouring of his Spirit is the highest gift that God can give to His people.
Uganda is a blessed nation but we Ugandans take the blessings of God for our nation for granted. We value tourism, coffee, gold and all natural resources, but do we value the Holy spirit? We do not cherish Him as our heritage. Do we work hard to safe guard the presence of the Holy spirit? There are government ministries to safeguard wildlife, minerals, and agriculture but we have not invested in safeguarding the presence of the Holy spirit who is our inheritance.
God is a generational God:
Each generation has to rise up and seek God for themselves. We cannot depend on what those who came before us did. We may be reaping from what our forefathers did but we need to sow our own seed so that we continue reaping and the generations that come after us. The wells that Abraham dug up had been blocked by the Philistines (who represent the enemies of God’s people). It took his son Isaac to unblock them so that the blessing and the presence of God that had been in Abraham’s life could continue to Isaac’s generation and other generations that followed.
Wells represent the Holy Spirit (John 7:38). Our expectations of what we want God to do in our time should be greater than what He did before. Our expectation should be that God should do greater things than He did in the past. The latter glory should be better than the former glory (Haggai 2:9). The main message that the Lord put on my heart is; The double portion, which means that if you are expecting one amount, God gives you that amount and doubles it.
In 2 kings 2:1-15, we see that there were many sons of prophets. There were many sons who were serving under Elijah but Elisha had a special place. All those around Elijah knew that he was going to be taken to heaven that day. Even in Uganda we know that there is a revival in the air. We know that God is preparing to move in the unique way. There is a difference between knowing that God is going to move in a very special way, and being at the center of it. If we are saying we are sons and daughters of revival, do we look like those spiritual fathers that went to heaven? Is the same spirit that was in them also in us? Or we have mixed up several things that we look and act differently? What you follow closely behind, you will eventually become. What we a pursuing, following after, and chasing after we will eventually become.
If we are children of this revival, do we have the same spirit of that revival. A spiritual son doesn’t only do the same things as the father but has the same spirit as the father. Some of the characteristics and main values of the revival was that there was a focus on holiness, is that something that we as a church preach and teach and use as a symbol of Christian walk? Holiness is a litmus test to know [the] spirit in you.
The hallmark of revival is; Repentance, brokenness, unity among the brethren, and walking in the light. Those things seem very simple but they are very hard to live up to and require you to die to self so that you see revival. Those are things that are not very popular today, we don’t hear churches speaking about them yet those are the roots of revival.
If we are going to be sons, the Elishas and those who inherit revival we have to walk in them. As a result of Elisha’s faithful service to God and Elijah, Elijah asked him what he wanted him to do for him. If God asked you that question today what would you say? Would you ask God to do what He did before? What would be your answer? I believe the Lord is asking us that question today. Elisha was ready with his response. Probably he had been meditating on the kind of life and impact he wanted to have so what he wanted to ask from Elijah was bold. He asked for a double portion of the spirit that was on Elijah to come upon him. Elisha recognized that if he got the double portion, he would be able to do the work of Elijah and even more. His request was of a son and it was not easy. He did not ask for miracles or material things but a double of Elijah’s spirit. Even Elijah told him that he had asked for a hard thing and gave him the condition.
What is the difference between being a son and a servant? Gehazi was a servant like Elisha was to Elijah but Gehazi was not a spiritual son to Elisha. What Gehazi wanted from Elisha were material things. Gehazi had the opportunity to get even greater anointing from Elisha but he lost it. Are you Elisha or Gehazi? What we inherit from God depends on our capacity to receive from him. Elisha had a big capacity to receive, he said; I want to have your spirit but a double portion. He received the mantle of Elijah, and the bible says Elisha did double what Elijah did. This shows that God will give us what we ask for if we are determined and pursue it.
We are asking God for small things yet what he wants to give us is His spirit. Are we able to ask big things, are we able to ask Him for what He did but also double what you did. Do we have the capacity to receive that and carry it? It is better to have never had revival than to have had revival and lose it. When you see things like worship of Bacwhezi coming back, this means that the house that had been taken over by revival is starting to get another occupant. It means that the Church is supposed to be on fire all the time.
My prayer is that we shall get a double portion. If we are able to walk in the ways of our fathers- in repentance, holiness, unity, and brokenness, we will not only have the first portion but also the second portion.
What we are looking for in our country is in the old wells. Those old wells that once gave us water, if we unblock them they should give us water. What more does God have for us in this generation? What God has for us in this generation will make what He gave the previous generations be pale in comparison
The latter glory shall be better than the former glory (Hagai 2:9).
Uganda is the heart of Africa. Just as man’s life is changed when his heart is changed. When Uganda aligns with God’s redemptive purpose it will have a domino effect on Africa.
Out of darkness shall come great light, and the light shall come from within Africa. Many times Africa looks for light from outside but the light comes from within, it comes from the spirit of God. The vision I saw was of Uganda and the light was coming out of Uganda.