Why do people fear reading the book of Revelation? This is a question that most people, at some point, have asked themselves.
In a statement on Friday, Pastor Noah Sematimba of Breakthrough Miracle Life Ministries took off time to address misconceptions about the final book of the New Testament, encouraging Christians not to lose sight of the ultimate hope of their calling.
He said:
“To the early church, the book of Revelation did not invoke fear but was actually a book of hope and encouragement. In that book they saw assurance that the hope of their calling was not in vain. The Christ they awaited with expectation would surely come back for them. That they would live forever with Him in glory.
They also saw that the God they served would surely dispense justice on those who persecuted them and who rejected Him. That the seeming prosperity of the ungodly would have an expected end. They were a church that was heaven bound and heaven focused.
It says a lot that many in the church today regard the book of revelation with fear, see it as confusing and even see what it portrays as contrary to their understanding of God. Perhaps it is because we have become firmly earthbound. We have lost sight of the ultimate hope of our calling and the fact that we are transient pilgrims in a foreign land and created a God in our own image.”