So many times we go through life just hoping we can make it through the day. We move from one problem or crisis to the next, and often times lack the confident of walking in the authority we have in Christ.
Every day, we are faced with circumstances that we have to respond to either according to God’s Word or emotionally.
The initial temptation is to react emotionally, but in every circumstance, it’s truly your decision.
For Pastor Kimuli Michael, the deeper the revelation of Christ you have, the deeper your authority in Him will be.
Kimuli, who heads Christian Discipleship Ministries International, took to social media recently and explained that crying, self pity and throwing tantrums can never move mountains or change any situation in a Christian’s life.
He continued, “Exercise your authority and command some things out of your life today.”
Pastor Kimuli stated that in the Gospels, Jesus models for his church what he wants believers to do and be, including living in God’s power.
“When Peter – in the book of Acts 3:6 – met the lame man at the gate, he said, ‘silver and gold I have none, but what I have I give to you. In the name of Jesus, rise up and walk.’
“Yet when he met Aeneas in Lydda who had been sick of palsy for 8 years, he just said, ‘Get up and pick your bed.’
“Further still when he got to Joppa and found Tabitha dead, he just commanded her to arise,” the father of eight said.
He stated that what hinders many from a life of God’s power is the lack of revelation about what they have on union with Jesus Christ through salvation.
“You can see that the more Peter exercised his authority in Christ, the more effortless it became,” Pr Kimuli said. “Speak to that mountain, and at your command, it shall be leveled. When you exercise your authority, you are practicing the awareness of His companionship.”