Pastor Robert and Jessica Kayanja of Miracle Centre Cathedral, a megachurch in Kampala, celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary on 29 August, 2021. The televised event came as a surprise to Pastor Robert who was preaching the Word together with his eldest son, Robert Kayanja Jr. The couple later cut cake, and shard honest insights on making it to 30 years in marriage.
Pastor Robert and Jessica Kayanja wedded at Namirembe Cathedral in 1992, and had their reception at Makerere University. In 2018, the duo renewed their marriage vows at a colourful ceremony officiated by Dr Rob Thompson at Miracle Centre Cathedral.
[Pastor Jessica Kayanja]
I stand here today, not just to celebrate an event, not just to celebrate a date, but to celebrate a marriage that has survived a test of decades. Today, I want to thank God. I want to thank the power of God who has been evident and eminent in sustaining our marriage.
And, in thanking God, I want to thank you (referring to pastor Robert Kayanja). When I met you, I walked into destiny, and I embraced my purpose. The bible says in Genesis 2:24: “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.”
Marriage is for purpose, and when I met you, I walked into my purpose. I realised the calling of God upon my life. I realised that I could be part of the equation of changing and helping people – and of uplifting those who are down downtrodden. I want to thank you, for your tenacity and resilience. When the devil raised his claws against our marriage, it had to take faith to stand. I thank you for the faith that you walked in. But, I also want to thank you for the faith you instilled in me at such a time.
I want to thank you for being a visionary. When you came into my life you were at that time nothing but a ‘kiwempe’ boy. But right now, I have seen a vision unwrap. I have seen the power of God write history in our life. I remember my father loved country music, and one of the songs he loved listening to was; ‘Don’t fall in love with a dreamer’ by Kenny Rogers. However that is exactly what I did. I fell in love with a dreamer. I fell in love with someone whose blue print is written in his soul and spirit, and the scripter is the Holy Spirit.
Everyday, you used to tell me, a day will come when we are no longer in a kiwempe but a glass Cathedral. You used to tell me a day will come when Rubaga will be a city for God. You used to tell me a day will come when we are no-longer in tenements, locally known as ‘mizigo’.
You used to tell me a day will come when our children will be about to show us grand Children. During that time it was hard to fathom but the Holy Spirit was the scripter, and he was writing that dream on your soul. Even as Joseph dreamt, and his brothers doubted, sometimes I did doubt. But I want to thank God for giving me a man who can dream.
For those of you who are watching me today, do not look for a man with many titles, credentials or a lot of money. Look for a man who has a vision from God. I thank you (referring to pastor Robert Kayanja), because you are a visionary and leader. I thank God for giving me a man who leaders and allows me to follow.
…Indeed it is not a perfect marriage, but true love is not majored on a perfect union. True love is measured on the ability to hold on, to stay, to press on, to love, even amidst imperfections. And Robert I love you. I want to thank God so much for the fact that He has allowed you to come to His altar and listen to His voice, and be a pioneer. I have seen you set the pace.
I know there are many people who will testify with me that there are so many people who are serving God in Uganda because you decided to serve God. I thank God for you. I thank the Holy Spirit. I want to thank the Miracle Centre Church that has stood with us in this journey. Thank you so much for your support, love. Thank you so much for believing in us.
[Pastor Robert Kayanja]
Congratulations for the 30 years, you always look younger and younger. My words to you honey; thank you for loving me. Thank you for standing with me. Thank you for being a unique woman, a gift of God that i was privileged to be part of… You have been there. I don’t know anybody who can go through what you have gone through in this world, and continue believing and trusting God for me – and pray for me and our family. Our Children have grown. I look back when we first met, we struggled to have children. Now we have a big man in the house, Robert Kayanja junior, and then the girls.
I want to testify, 30 years of marriage, ministry would not have been what it is today if it wasn’t for you. Before God gave you to me, we struggled with ‘kiwempe’. We struggled with the vision of building. We did not have a house or car of our own. I had given in the car to buy the land. But you believed in a dreamer. I remember from our honeymoon, we came back with only $100. And you said, why don’t we put it to work. You did not ask for jewellery, or shoes. Our house was crowded with people, but soon we started building the Church…
Thank you for being there, thank you for being a friend, I am humbled.
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