By Pr Robert Kayanja
A light beam goes through a glass prism and reveals the seven colors of the rainbow, yet when it goes through ordinary glass, it does not display the same results. Our lives must become the prism and be transparent enough for the light of God to go through.
A prism is how we who are born again ought to be. We must be shaped in God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit so that when God goes through us, the expression is beautiful.
Every Christian through whom God lives must be able to bring forth the beauty of Holiness just like the colors of the rainbow. God is Holy, Righteous, a Judge and a consuming fire. When He goes through us who have been redeemed as light goes through a prism, the world should see His radiant beauty through us.
God’s actions, work and the ability of His hand are what He uses to shine the light through us. His hand shapes us into a prism. We are spirit, soul and body. (1 Thessalonians 5:23)
That is how man was created but when we become born again, we are changed into spirit, soul and sanctuary. We cease from just being a body and are made a purified entity-a sanctuary. When the light of God permeates through us, then the world begins to see something beautiful. (Matthew 5:14-16)
Therefore, every situation changes immediately because of our new appearance. It is that light that comes into us just as through a prism, which becomes the perfect manifestation of God’s grace as was seen on that morning the day God sent the rainbow after the great flood in Noah’s days (Genesis 9:12-15).
Thus, showing us that the light that was shining on the earth after its destruction was because Noah was tripartite in his way of dealing with God; in other words, he dealt with the Trinity. Noah received grace which is of Jesus Christ, he heard from God Almighty and was led and inspired by the Spirit to build the ark
In this day and age, we need to come back to the simplicity of becoming a prism; of becoming spirit, soul and sanctuary so that the light of God can go through us and create something beautiful for the world to see. When something is beautiful, it is irresistible to look at. When the rainbow is in the sky, it is visible to everybody because of its beauty and attractive colors.
I believe that the hand of God is shaping us into a prism so that we may manifest the knowledge of God, His grace and power of God. Religion may have the knowledge of God by studying about Him, but it does not have the grace of Jesus Christ which brings about salvation. You rarely hear religion preaching about salvation.
This becomes dangerous because it puts those who are held up in religion in a position where they can only know about God but cannot know God. There is a remarkable difference between these two; knowing about God implies having a theoretical knowledge about Him, while knowing God points to the fact that one has a personal relationship with Him.
As a result, the power of God is rarely experienced in an ordinary worship service setting or gathering of believers. If we as children of God were to become the light of the world and practically released the light of God to them, the world would be born again in one day. We must allow ourselves to be turned into that prism.
We should allow the Holy Spirit to shape us so that when His light passes through us, it creates a rainbow which is not only beautiful but is hope for the entire creation.
Extract from The Holy Spirit Book – 77 Days of Glory Series. Vol: V
Find more of Pr Kayanja’s Teachings and Books at robertkayanjaministries.org