The nation of Israel has managed to grow by leaps and bounds because they are the people of God. In just 70 years since their return to the Holy Land in 1948, they have attained to the level of being one of the most powerful nations on the earth.
In a year, there are 365 days, which is 52 weeks. Most people make time to go to church on Sunday for a two hour church service. That means that for many Christians, the number of hours a year that they are at church is 2 x 52, which is 104 hours a year. Now in a year, there are 8,760 hours. God has given you 8,760 hours a year, but most Christians do not even give Him a tithe of their time a year. 104 hours divided by 24 hours in a day gives you 4 ½ days in a year.
When you look at how most people allocate their time every year, you will find that for a person who works eight hours a day, five days a week, they give to their work about 2,016 hours a year, if you factor in holidays and vacations. Divided by 24, that gives you 84 days of work in a year.
If a person sleeps for the recommended 8 hours a day, they spend [8 hours x 365 days a year] 2,920 hours a year, sleeping. Divided by 24 hours a day gives you 122 days of sleep a year.
If you put all that time together, out of 8,760, you will have a surplus of 3,824 hours. During that time, we are neither sleeping, working nor worshiping. Divided by 24 hours, gives you 164 days a year doing any other business. Why do some leaders in governments then have a problem with people of God using some of those 3,824 hours to meet and spend time in prayer before the face of God?
You have more blessings in the presence of God than you do outside of His presence.
The reason why people are poor is because they do not know how to redeem and manage their time. There are two things in the Bible that are redeemable; life and time. Jesus redeemed our lives, but we must redeem our time.
See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, 16 Redeeming the time, because the days are evil – Ephesians 5:15-16 [KJV]
The failure to manage your time can alter very many events in your life. Just as the decision to drink your salary away at the bar can affect the livelihood of your family for the whole month, your decision for Jesus altered your destiny forever. Having decided to follow Him, your future is secure. You can talk to heaven directly and be heard and answered. This goes to show that just a few changes to our lifestyle, especially with regard to management and allocation of our time, can change our lives.
A day has 24 hours. If a person goes to work for eight hours and sleeps for the medically recommended eight hours, it means they have eight more hours left in their day. That remaining 8 hours is a person’s individual time. We as people of God choose to give that time to God. It is our time, and we are giving it to God. A person has a right to use their time the way they choose to. Africa must begin to use time wisely because it is very central in our deliverance from bondage.
Robert Kayanja is the founder and Senior Pastor of the Miracle Centre Cathedral, a megachurch in Kampala. He is also Founder and CEO of a Christian television Channel 44. This article is an excerpt from his book; Re–addressing the Imbalance. Find more of the Ministry resources Here