Pastors, Robert Kayanja and wife, Jessica have on Saturday renewed their wedding vows.
The colorful ceremony officiated by Dr Rob Thompson at Miracle Centre Cathedral – Rubaga saw the couple renew commitment to loving each other, to be open and understanding, and to share their thoughts, feelings, and experiences.
The renewal of vows comes at a time the couple celebrates 25 years in marriage.
“Now you have become not only my lovely wedded wife, but a friend – a friend that is closer than a brother. Your love for our family, your prophetic incite in my life and ministry, your character and integrity, are unmatched. Your charisma for God has made you a proverbs 31 woman,” Kayanja told Jessica.
“Jessica, you are a blessing to our children. So I say, I vow to love you like never before. I vow to be with you forever – If I had not given the Lord Jesus Christ my heart, I would give it to you all,” he added in part.
Apostle T. Vutabwashe, from Zimbabwe read the couple Song of Solomon 8:7 which says; Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot sweep it away. If one were to give all the wealth of one’s house for love, it would be utterly scorned.
Dr Rob Thompson in his speech encouraged Christians who witnessed the ceremony to pray for their marriages even before they get there. He also urging married men to love your wives, “even as Christ has loved the church.”
To the married women, Dr Thompson said, “submit yourselves unto your own husbands.”
“People ask me all over the world, what is the most important ingredient in marriage, and without a doubt it has to be a very simple answer, who you are married too,” he said.
“People want to pray about marriage, after they get married – not usually before, because then, they have something really to pray about when they get married,” he continued.
“25 years, is not 20 days. They [Pr Kayanja and wife] have stories to tell,” Apostle T. Vutabwashe said, calling for endurance among married couples.
He saluted the couple for exemplary marriage noting it is every pastor’s desire to see marriages in church strong.
“If God starts something, he will definitely see it to complication. I can boldly say, there are no perfect situations but there is a perfect God. And this perfect God has the ability to make all things beautiful in their time. Our marriage has been an open book from day one. 25 years ago, we walked into ‘e’kiwempe’ with no flour for a blessing. Today, because of the goodness of the lord, we come back to re-affirm our vows in a glass Cathedral,” the bride, Pr Jessica said, as she addressed the church.
“If God has showed me all this, it would have been very easy to marry this man, but I walked in faith,” she stressed.
The entourage included their daughters and son, Robert Jr.
How it started
It was during the 1st anniversary celebration of 77 Days Of Glory (D.O.Gs), a revival meeting that started September 18th, 2016, that Pr Kayanja first revealed plans for renewing vows with Pr Jessica.
He said there is no ministry, greatness to any man without his wife.
“I’m going to renew my vows to marry you again because I have not found anybody like you,” Kayanja said.
Pr Jessica said: “We are still running the race, fighting the good fight, looking forward to completion – Thank you [Robert] for being a priest of my house and of the house of God – Pr Kayanja will put his feet down regarding what the Lord has told him. He desires what is God’s. Thank you for showing me that the Holy Spirit and God are first priority in your life, you have taught us that.”