God can help you. Question is, do you believe that He can. Do you believe that He can save you. There is land you have not seen yet, but it exists.
You have not yet seen it, because since you gained understanding, what you saw fast is what you still see. All you see is death, failure, all you see are impossibilities – but when time goes by – when God wants to do something, He lifts a prophet among us.
For that reason, I declare you too, that this is your season. These are your days. The almighty God who does the impossible is going to meet you. Let me repeat this, there is land that you have not seen before, not because it does not exist, it exists – God is about to usher you their.
God spoke something that really surprised me – the bible says that as Rachel was giving birth to Benjamin (Genesis 35:16~18) that was her last born. When she gave birth to him, she died.
And because there was a lot of pain and fear, she named him Ben-oni. This, she said was because of what much pain she experienced during his birth.
But the midwife said to her, “Do not fear, for now you have another son.” I stand here to declare the same word to you. Some of you are about to conceive something, but because of the prevailing situation, it is much easier to think that nothing will change or happen.
When Rachel named her son Ben-oni, his father rejected it, and changed it- for that reason, if you are a Ben-oni, I change your name in the mightily name of Jesus. You are going to be delivered.
Jacob, who knew what God was doing, even though the wife succumbed to the prevailing circumstances of the pain she had gone through, said that their son will not be called by that named, Ben-oni, he was called Benjamin.
I do not know what you have been through or where you have passed reaching where you are today, there will be days when you will get a hold of something, without struggles.
The immeasurable pain you go through in life, can lead you to forgetting that someone else will toil, and all you do is come and pick. Lions hunt for their pray, then a hyena come and takes it away. Thus says the lord, the enemy will gather its prey and you will have it. The enemy gathers, but his gathering is for those that fear the Lord.
In your simple understanding, you might wonder how that is going to happen. Know this, what has not been, is going to come into being. I declare to you that there is land that you knew not, that God is going to surprise you with. Because He is God and that is what He does. If only people knew, then they would believe Him.
The blind men said unto Jesus, we hear that there is a land where you are, the blind see and the death hear, the weak are made stronger – we also want to see. (Luke 18:38).
I know you have heard of great things and want to experience them yourself. I prophecy over you, do not baptize your prevailing situations because they are but for a moment. Why baptize something that is temporal?
If you are hit by an unexpected situation, speak not negativity. I know you have wept so much and experienced a lot of pain, but the name of the child is not Ben-oni. Even though you have been through tough dates, the name of the Child is not Ben-oni. Ben-oni is not a name to consider.
Sermon message by Pr Isaac Kyobe Kiwewesi.