Pastor Imelda Kula Namutebi has in her Christmas message to Christians at Liberty Worship Centre in Lugala on Monday said that the enemy had marked mankind for death, however, God dismantled this when He sent His son to the earth as a ransom.
She said Jesus’ birth and death has made it possible for believers to enjoy everlasting life and be blessed by God.
“Why has Jesus dominated the world over? He was planted as a seed. He was beaten, crucified and crucified – He faced diverse troubles and sorrow – But all this happened so you and me could be saved. We wouldn’t be who we are today had it not been for the son of God. Whosoever believes in Jesus has life. The devil has tried hard to mark you among those intended for death, but God has ripped his plans apart,” she stated.
Pr Imelda said in Uganda and the rest of Africa, so many people have received salvation because of the birth of Jesus Christ.
“His birth is being celebrated the world over, but unto you and me, it is a special celebration because when He was born in our lives, everything changed. Those who were incomprehensible are known today, who were middling are now dining with Kings because of the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ,” she said.
“Exhaust the Lord so much because He is in your life. At the beginning of this Christmas season, it was tough with financial crisis every where but if God be for us, who can be against us. Since Jesus is, He will do something miraculous for you today,” she added.
Regarding 2018, Pastor Imelda said although the last months of 2017 have been hard and troublesome, next year will commence in greater forms of victory.
“There are things going to be prophesied upon Africa, but God calls you to this assignment. Where would I be if it wasn’t for the Lord. You should have seen me years back… Jesus is powerful. People should serve God. God can and is changing the Trend. What is impossible will become, Jesus is a seed, allow him come in to change your life,” she added.