Pastor Edwin Musiime poses for a photo with a recipient of his latest book, ‘Joseph Economic Transformation’ at the UK-Uganda Trade and Investment Convention at Troxy Arena London.
Pastor Edwin Musiime, the CEO and chairman of Crest Group, has unveiled a new book titled ‘Joseph Economic Transformation’ (JET).
Set to be launched in over eight countries, the book offers practical guidelines and strategies culled from the experiences of a lifetime, to inspire readers to achieve their full potential, armed with a thorough innovative leadership pattern that Joseph (a figure in the Bible’s Book of Genesis) carried.
During an exclusive interview with Uganda Christian News, Pastor Edwin Musiime said the book is centered on among other things personal growth, high impact leadership, consummate success, legacy building, and financial intelligence.
Below is an edited transcript of the interview.
Q: What inspired you to write this book?
A: The book was predominantly inspired by the life of Joseph in ancient Israel and how the narrative relates with the 21st century, and those to come. We are constantly dealing with cyclical changes in the economy at global, national, institutional and individual levels but, are we armed with a thorough innovative leadership pattern that Joseph carried? I wrote the book because I need everyone to know there is a dream each of us must interpret and redeem many.
Q: Can you tell me about the book?
A: The Joseph Gene book is filled with transformational epiphanies that provoke strong thought on our purpose on earth. For Joseph, it was the Agricultural wave of influence, but the world has evolved to the industrial age and information age which pose both great opportunities and threats to us. We need to be our best to thrive under such experiences.
Genesis tells the story of the first three generations of the family through whom God chose to bring his blessings to the whole world. With no particular power, position, wealth, fame, ability, or moral superiority of their own, they accepted his call to trust Him to provide for them, and fulfill the great vision He had for them. This is a pattern God has intended for all of us who grasp this revelation.
Q: How, in your opinion, will this book help an everyday Ugandan, given the chance to read it?

A: First, I must say the JET (Joseph Economic Transformation) book is not written for just the Ugandan, but every human being on earth. However, to my fellow Ugandans we all must understand the times we are in. A believer who only quotes John 17:16 saying, ‘we are not of this world’ should wake up and realize that true as the Word is, we are also reminded that we must overcome the same world. This means we need to understand how the world functions, and why it functions that way in-order to apply the Word system. Joseph had to understand the system in Egypt in order for him to succeed at his mission.
The book will teach you good principles of; Personal growth, high impact leadership, consummate success, legacy building, creation and innovation and financial intelligence.
Q: One of the aspects your book highlights is Financial Intelligence. What is it, and can you describe a time when you made a mistake in your duties. How did you rectify it?
A: Yes. Financial intelligence is one of the important transformative patterns we need to learn. Finances are central to our everyday life. Many people are suffering monetary wise due to the high levels of financial illiteracy. We need to learn how to evaluate our income, plan for our retirement and asset management. Individual households must get exposed to the business principles of the corporate world in order to strengthen their finances.
I remember when I started my first business in 2007, I had no clue about the cash flow pattern, and how it operates. Within 5 months I had lost all my savings amounting to Ush14,000,000. I went through a whole year of ‘economic famine’. I would drink millet porridge (bushera) for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
No one at the time could help me financially, and that’s how people are, and will always be in such times. We need to be extremely careful about how we manage our finances for there are usually seven years of scarcity ahead of us where we must return to our store house. I reinvented myself and picked myself up by God’s grace. God then gave me an idea of the Property show, and the Homes Expos through a dream. This began the building of a divine financial dynasty.

Today, Crest Group, a company I run, has interests in Real estate, media, publishing, education, manufacturing, fashion, consultancy and we run one of the leading entrepreneurship Organization – Chamber of young entrepreneurs Uganda, an initiative I founded two years ago.
Q: What are some of the myths and misconceptions about finance, success and leadership that this book addresses.
A: First, money is not in heaven. Christians should stop praying for it in that pattern. When we pray, we ought to ask God for revelations and ideas that bring forth opportunities to make money and build wealth. It is not in the planting of a hundred dollar seed or tithe, and you go fold your hands because you have given offering. Giving is good. A needful life is a fruitful life, but we also need to honor and enjoy the gift of work and labor as we are designated co-creators on earth. This is a responsibility not to be relegated to prayer and fasting alone.
We need to know success is not a miracle. We do not just stumble into success. There is a pattern for success and it is a process. Joseph at 17 years of age was sold off. He spent 13 years between Potiphar’s house and the prison before he was promoted to leadership influence at 30 years.
Q: Has the book officially been launched?
A: The book has been launched only for the UK market, but we are planning on a grand launch for Uganda in October which shall be followed by a global tour to Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, South Africa, Nigeria, Ghana, Sweden, Denmark, Netherlands and USA by March 2020. I trust God to reach 10 other countries by October 2020 with the JET message.

Q: Where can one find a copy today, and at how much?
A: The book will be available on the Ugandan market in October, and we shall communicate more about this after discussions with our distribution consultants.
Q: In summary, what are your final remarks to the readers?
A: First, we all need to work on a mental infrastructure transformation. A man is defined by his thoughts, because they are his words and actions. You can never hide from your words. Let’s change our mind set and understand that we each have been gifted with talents we must multiply for the master.
I can tell how far any one will go in this life by how they spend their time and money. All we do must, and should glorify God who I call the CEO of the Universe.