Pastor David Bweyinda was deeply concerned when President Museveni’s COVID-19 address on Monday totally ignored plans for opening up Church buildings in the country.
The senior pastor of Masajja Redeemed Church said the president should allow in-person church services to resume if restrictions on public transport are also lifted.
“He (President Museveni) ended his speech, with no mention of Churches. Do you know why? It is because no one seems concerned that they are closed. Taxi drivers and those in other sectors have someone raising their concerns to the President, but the Church has no mouthpiece,” Bweyinda said during a Facebook Live broadcast late Monday evening.
“How can one issue guidelines on lifting restrictions on public transport, and say nothing about Churches. The Church is more essential than taxis’,” he added.
The government suspended gatherings in all places of worship in a bid to stop the spread of Covid-19 on 18 March, 2020. Since then, most Churches have resorted to using digital platforms in-order to reach their congregations.
Bweyinda who is currently in the United States said Church leaders who have had the opportunity of meeting the president over Covid-19 concerns have portrayed ulterior motives, and lost their “independent prophetic voice.”
Rather than preach Christ, Pastor Bweyinda purports that many preachers today have turned their attention to “Goliath” by reporting about how the virus is causing havoc in various parts of the world. “When did Goliath become greater than our God?” he questioned.
Bweyinda believes virtual services are not as effective as in-person church services. He says if no action is taken, Churches may have to wait till 2021 to open.
Bweyinda also spoke against turning Churches into Covid-19 testing centres.
He drew viewers’ attention to the US House Committee on Energy and Commerce that is currently considering H.R. 6666, the “Covid-19 Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act.”
The bill was submitted on May 1 by Democrat U.S. House Rep. Bobby Rush, and is being considered controversial by a section of church leaders.
“The reason why we are belittled is because of the way we are living in fear.” “We have been kept in fear, we have not been allowed to say anything,” Pastor Bweyinda said.
Pastor Bweyinda purported that the pandemic is a disguised attack on the Church across the globe. He alluded to the Gospel of Matthew (2:16-18) in which the Bible depicts Herod as one who tried to kill baby Jesus and, when he couldn’t find him, killed every infant in Bethlehem.
“We see the virus’ effect in every sector all across the globe, but its major objective is to attack the church,” Pastor Bweyinda said.