He warned listeners against pseudo ‘get-rich-quick’ schemes and said that many innocent Ugandans have as a result been more susceptible to scams and fraudulent offers.
“I implore all youth to embrace small beginnings. Work with all your wisdom and strength. Promotion comes when you are doing something – not when you are doing nothing,” he said.
“Start from where you are. I started as house boy – that is how life begun. When I was leaving Masaka for the city, I was offered a ride by Military truck drivers – I embraced any job opportunity that came my way,” he added, explaining how he persevered and dealt with the hardships associated with this kind of life.
Pr Bujjingo encouraged hundreds who attended the crusade at Mbale Stadium on Friday to adopt a personal relationship with God, and turn away from religious practices which he summed up to be triggers of frustration.
He urged government to find harmonious means of taking children off the streets and putting them in schools. “I suggest that the money extravagant spent on government officials should me maximised on projects, including education, that better the lives of street children. They are capable of becoming responsible citizens of the country,” he said.
“Every life is crucial. Those street kids are survivors!” he added.

Starting out as a houseboy, Pastor Bujjingo told the congregation that he was faithful at this work station, which led to his promotion.
The preacher narrated that he was promoted to selling popcorn in Owino market, located down town of the Capital Kampala, presenting a variety of items to accommodate the varying interests of the buyers. It is here that more opportunities opened up, he said.
Pr Bujjingo in his speech revealed that he gave his life to Christ in 1992 at Kampala Pentecostal Church (KPC), now Watoto Church.
“I have never stepped on an aeroplane since the ministry inception. I am saying this to show you that money does not come from abroad, but from God. You can make wealth right here in Mbale. It is possible.”
Although minuscule and seemingly insignificant those “little things” and “humble beginnings” are the most important for all things arise from them, the preacher said.
By Paul W Dennis.