“Poverty is not the will of God for any believer. However, there are Christians who have taken a “vow of poverty” because they believe that poverty is a part of being holy and righteous. This is far from the truth,” explains Dollar in an article on his website titled “Your Inheritance of Wealth and Riches.”
“Poverty has nothing to do with godliness, or God — likeness. To be poor, or impoverished, means, ‘to be without; in lack; deprived.’ You and I don’t serve a God of lack and insufficiency. He is the God of the exceeding and the abundant. In fact, He wants to lavish you with His goodness (Ephesians 3:20),” he continues.
For preachers against the Prosperity gospel, their argument is, “The prosperity gospel says that it’s OK to pursue riches and that worldly wealth is a sign of God’s blessing. Here’s the thing – the Bible is clear in telling us that riches are a dangerous thing to pursue. It’s not that money is evil in itself. Money can be used for great things. But as soon as we make riches and prosperity our pursuit, our priorities get all screwed up. That’s exactly the point behind the story of the rich young ruler and Jesus found in Matthew 19: 16-30.”
This is according to Robert P. Jones, CEO of Patheos, a non-denominational, non-partisan online media company.
Dollar argues in the article that financial lack is a major source of problems for many people and feels it is his duty to tackle it as a spiritual problem.
“From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible proves that poverty goes against everything God desires for believers. Poverty is a spirit designed to keep believers in financial bondage. The devil uses this spirit to hinder Christians from prospering and ultimately fulfilling their destiny of being a blessing to the entire world (Genesis 12:2, 3),” writes dollar. “God favors prosperity. According to Psalm 35:27 and 3 John 2, He is pleased when you prosper in your spirit, soul and body.”
“Although God’s perfect will is for you to succeed in all aspects of life, let’s concentrate on your financial prosperity. Finances are a major dilemma for most people. Debt and insufficiency are common causes for divorce, depression, suicide, and murder. For this reason, I feel it is my duty to deal with this subject head— on,” says Dollar.
“You were made wealthy and rich before you came into existence. You’ve been predestined to prosper financially. According to Ephesians 1:4-5, God chose to bless you before the foundation of the world as evidence of your right-standing with God, which was made available to you through Jesus’ death and resurrection (2 Corinthians 5:21),” notes the televangelist.
“The Bible says that wealth is stored up for the righteous (Proverbs 13:22, New American Standard). However, it will remain stored up until you claim it. Therefore, claim it now! You possess the ability to seize and command wealth and riches to come to you (Deuteronomy 8:18). Exercise that power by speaking faith-filled words daily and taking practical steps to eradicate debt,” Dollar urges.