Pope Francis centered his Easter Sunday message on Christian hope with admonition of “blind” terrorism, recalling victims of attacks in Europe, Africa and beyond.
Amid the tightest security ever for an outdoor Mass at the Vatican, Pope Francis spoke from the balcony of St. Peter’s Basilica.
He lamented the difficulties of political and economic refugees looking to settle in Europe, and he discussed the religious significance of the Jesus resurrection symbolized by Easter, something he called a “message of life” for the world.
“This day invites us not to forget those men and women seeking a better future, an ever more numerous throng of migrants and refugees, including many children, fleeing war, hunger, poverty and social injustice,” the pontiff said.
After the Mass, Francis pushed aside security worries to tour St. Peter’s Square in the convertible “popemobile,” stopping several times to embrace a few of the faithful and to accept some small gifts — all with a dozen or more security personnel keeping pace on foot.
aaron@ugchristainnews.com – Photo – Pope Francis delivers his Easter message following a mass at the Vatican, (AFP)