Police at Sheraton Hotel Kampala where most Christians gather in due celebration of the annual City festival was forced to close the upper (main) entrance a few minutes past 7 pm.
This was due to increasing number of celebrants who flooded the venue, worrying Police that later revealed to UG Christian News that the place was getting full to capacity.
“Why would they want to come in this time? Some of these people are actually criminals looking for things to rob. We are taking security precautions here,” One officer by the name of Kyatusimire told our reporter.
This attempt by police however provoked hundreds, who continuously made effort to squeeze through, hitting against the gate in protest.
Speaking to UG Christian News, Julie Mutesasira expressed her discontentment towards Police, saying that some of her colleagues were stranded at the gate for close to an hour until she went over to speak to the authorities.
The gates were later opened, with security tightened at the same time.
Kyatusimire revealed that she had additionally closed the gate till he received backup – an extra team of male officers – to help her all-female team contain the situation.
During her speech to the Christians, the Executive director Kampala City council Authority Jennifer Musisi said that the number of people that attended the celebrations on Sunday increased from nearly 5 million that attended in 2015.