Palm Sunday reenacts the triumphant entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem, as in this scene at Munyonyo Martyrs’ Shrine on April 14, 2019. Courtesy Photo.
Christians in Uganda joined the rest of the world to mark Palm Sunday in different churches across the country.
Palm Sunday, also known as Passion Sunday, is the first day of Holy Week – the last week of Lent which starts on Palm Sunday and ends on Easter Sunday.

The day is observed by Christians from various denominations, including Roman Catholics, Pentecostals, Anglicans, Lutherans, Methodists, and Presbyterians.
The day celebrates Jesus’ arrival in Jerusalem riding on a donkey days before he was crucified.

At St. Kakumba Chapel, Kyambogo, Christians were urged to reflection on their actions in worship, and not withhold anything from God.
“Those that ushered and received Jesus into Jerusalem, then, had a limited revelation of who He actually is, but today we have the fuller revelation of Jesus Christ, the Messiah, the Redeemer, the Prince of peace, the Saviour of the world. Our worship ought to be most heightened,” believers were told.
At Watoto Church attendants were told the greatest act of love Christians can do for their neighbours is to share with them the Good News that Jesus “loves them, and that their debt has been paid in full.”
“When you don’t know that your debt is fully paid, you end up living as a slave. We encourage you today to fully come to terms, that because of what He completed on the cross, Jesus made you free,”

At Praise Cathedral – Ntinda, the lead Pastor, Dr Godfrey Kamese led several attendants in the prayer of salvation, and urged that every failure in life, is because of a missed opportunity.
He quoted Luke 19:37, saying as Jesus approached Jerusalem for the last time before His crucifixion, He wept for they did not recognize the time of their visitation from God.