Presiding Apostle Dr. Joseph Serwadda and Bishop David Kiganda of Christianity Focus Ministries were on Friday said to be key witnesses in a case where House of Prayer Ministries founding Pastor, Aloysius Bugingo is accused of burning the Holy Bible.
The source that announced them said other witnesses expected in court over the same case include Pr. David Martin Sebuguzi, Ronald Mukiibi, Pr. Stephen Kaberuka and Bishop Joshua Murefu.
Nabweru court chief magistrate, Esther Nasambu who will preside over the case reportedly told the accused [Aloysius Bugingo] to file his defense in 15 days, on allegations of violating Christian’s freedom of worship by burning several versions of the Holy Bible.
Nasambu warned, according to the source, that should Bugingo fail to file his defense on or before the date, the plaintiffs; Kizza Aloysius Matovu, a former Dembe FM presenter now working with Kingdom TV and Christian book author Evangelist Francisco Semugooma will proceed with the suit and judgment will be delivered in his absentia.
The two Christians earlier this month rushed to Court through Wameli and Company Advocates seeking permission to file a representative suit on behalf of other believers, against Pr Bujingo.
Some Christians criticized the duo, urging that “A true christian is supposed to take such a case to God, not to an earthly court. It is God Himself to judge His people.”
As reported, Kizza Aloysius Matovu and Evangelist Francisco Semugooma want court to issue a permanent injunction, restraining Bugingo and his servants from further burning and destroying Bibles of several versions and making utterances, speeches, sermons or statements concerning the Holy Bible in a way that attacks, violets or insults their faith or religion.
They also want court to award them damages at a rate of 25 percent from the date of judgment until payment is done and costs of the suit.
Pastor Bugingo – according to the court document – gathered several Holy Bibles of different versions, translations and languages with the word Holy Ghost or missing scriptures and advised his flock or followers who are ‘not strong’ to burn or destroy it.
Why Pastor Serwadda won’t testify against Bugingo
“I shall never stand in court to testify against anyone. I listened to Bugingo 4 years ago and concluded he has something wrong with his life and so i forgave him right there.” Pastor Serwadda said.” I took a calculated decision to never respond to his daily rants however hurtful and sickening they may be. I actually do not listen to him at all. When he burnt/threatened to burn bibles I was on a mission in Mexico.”
“If Mr Matovu and Mr Semugooma expected me to do so, they are mistaken and should quickly find someone else. I have no time for court. And definitely not where Bugingo is involved!” He added.
The last Pr Bugingo spoke in regard to this case
April 2017: Bugingo said in a statement to reporters that despite warning his congregation against “fake bibles,” he was in no way associated to images that surfaced on social media of bibles being burnt.
He said the accusations are the work of those against him, and urged that he could never do such a thing, hence had no attachment whatsoever to what media reporters alleged.
This website later learnt that the preacher had a meeting with the team from National Fellowship of Born Again Pentecostal Churches (NFBPC) (where some of the key witnesses testifying against him are party) over the matter.
A press statement from the umbrella organisation dated 23rd April, 2017 revealed that Pr Bugingo accepted to corporate and assured the clergy that he is not going to pursue controversies attained to the bible independently.