There are people who tell us that the reason they’re into a certain kind of music is because that’s what the young people are interested in. However, how worldly should we get to win the world? How far should we go to get their attention? You say, “we have to be like them to get their attention.” However, such a confession is an indicator of spiritual bankruptcy.
There are things we do to get their attention, but we don’t have to now be like them. We don’t have to have their music for them to listen to our music. We don’t have to dance like them, for them to think we’re dancing for God. The reason I’m telling you this is because of symbolisms. There are dances strokes that people make in churches, but these dances are demonic. They’re inspired by demons and they’re being danced in churches by so-called musical leaders.
What’s actually happening is that these dances strokes are offerings and libations that are being offered to Satan. Demons thrive on these offerings.
Conformity to world standards is not what Apostle Paul was encourging in 1 Corinthians 9:20-22 when he talked about “being like a Jew.” That’s not what he meant.
Get back to true and divine worship. Don’t copy the world. Music is for worshiping and praising God. That’s the primary thing it’s supposed to do. Don’t use it for your ego. Don’t use it for your career. It’s not given for you to make money for yourself.
In Churches, don’t give a place anymore to those who come as music stars because they come to destroy God’s churches. They don’t know what they’re doing. It’s been happening for a long time, and it’s time to stop it. Pastors, train your people to worship and praise the Lord in truth. Stop giving offerings to demons.
Look at those who they used to call music ministers. They dress like the world. They act like the world. They dance like the world. Is that what you want to teach your people? We allowed it for a long time until the Lord instructed me not only to stop it, but to let God’s people know and stop it. There’s no place in the Word of God for those things.
We must have God’s churches return to true praise and true divine worship, as it is supposed to be in the Word of God.
Let no man deceive you with canal words. They’ve done this for more than 50 years and the results have been the same in the churches. And these people don’t listen to the Word of God. Once they’re done with singing in your Church, they jump to the next church. And when I say things like this, the next thing is, if they don’t like it, they go and start a Church because they’re not used to sitting to listen to the Word of God.
They are not after soul winning, because it’s all about money. At the end of the day, money and fame, that’s what they seek. They have used the houses of God for these things – for so long. It has to stop, and for those who don’t want to stop, God will stop you. Just watch.
Christian Oyakhilome known as Pastor Chris is a Christian faith leader, preacher, author, philanthropist, televangelist and president of Loveworld Incorporated. He is most well known as the founding pastor of the Mega Church Christ Embassy and author of the daily devotional Rhapsody of Realities.