We have lost it when we think it is about us. It’s about Jesus. Even when we come to pray every night and seek His face, we are crying that Jesus will find expression through our lives.
Any pulpits, any gatherings, any meeting where Jesus is not the reason, is a social gathering. Did you hear what Jesus said? “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them” (Matthew 18:20)
Jesus must be the reason for the gathering. When that is the reason, He said; I will reveal myself.
Maybe Jesus is not revealing Himself because our gatherings have ulterior motives.
Do you want to be seen, preacher man, brother, sister, why? That business, that career, must reveal Jesus. That marriage must reveal Jesus.
The failure we see across the body of Christ today, is because we have lost the reason why we are here. If it is not about Jesus, the grace to preserve, to protect, the power, the enabling will be lacking
Based in Kampala, Uganda, Pastor Ben Ochola is a minister of the gospel. He is passionate about the Holy Spirit, and how He can make a remarkable, supernatural difference in you and in those you come into contact with.