The death and resurrection of Jesus is central to the Christian faith. Christianity teaches that Jesus died to atone for our sins and because of this we have life beyond physical death.
All four Gospels provide Scriptural accounts of the crucifixion and associated events. Matthew, Mark and Luke show Jesus and His disciples eating the Passover the night before the crucifixion.
As many ready for the Easter celebrations, Pastor Kimuli Michael of Christian Discipleship Ministries International says it is important to understand how crucial and sensitive the time we are in is.
Pastor Kimuli believes that as the first Passover marked the Hebrews’ release from Egyptian slavery, so did the death of Christ mark our release from the slavery of sin.
“Every time the Passover was celebrated, something new that had never happened before would happen. There are many notable occurrences in the bible that affirm this,” Pr Michael says. ” It was after the Passover that the children of Israel exited Egypt, it was also after the Passover that they ate the first fruit of the promised land. After the Passover is when Jesus started his ministry, chose his first disciples and performed his first miracle
“So you must note that this is a season of beginnings for you. Passover begins a new dispensation that sets precedence in time and in order. We should believe for new things that have never happened before in this time,” he says.
Kimuli, like many bible scholars, urges that the Old Testament Passover lamb, although a reality in that time, was a mere foreshadowing of the better and final Passover Lamb, Jesus Christ.
Through His sinless life and sacrificial death, they urge, Jesus became the only One capable of giving people a way to escape death and a sure hope of eternal life.
“During Passover, favor and mercy are granted and it begins the journey of entering the promise. Passover starts a new supply line for provision, for-example the Israelites had eaten manna for 40 years, but after the Passover, they ate the first fruit of the land. There are people whose supply line is going to change in this season.” Pr Kimuli says.