Every time someone speaks of faith and fire, what comes to my mind first is the example of Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego in Daniel 3.
These men believed and knew that God could do something even as miraculous as saving them from the fiery furnace.
This is why they said, “Our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace” (Daniel 3:17). I really love this scripture.
They knew God’s power and abilities. We all want God to answer our prayers. We often want Him to show up at our “request,” or according to our personal desires and timing.
We all have faith. The big question is: faith in what? You can have tremendous faith in your own physical fitness until you get sick. You can have tremendous faith in your doctor until he tells you he can’t diagnose your problem. The whole point is that faith should be centered on God, who is worthy of our faith.
God promises to stick with us and provide encouragement, hope and a reminder of our potential through and beyond our current situation. In order to actually trust God we must first know him.
And sometimes it takes testings – trials – to prove to us that the center of our faith is not where it should be.
When Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego said; “Our God..” it is because they were sure, He was their God.
Shadrach and his friends stood firm that even if Nebuchadnezzar burned them to ashes, God would ultimately deliver them spiritually – they did not know whether God would actually allow Nebuchadnezzar to throw them into the fiery furnace.
They did not know if He would allow them to die the horrible death of burning alive. They did not know at all what God would choose to do. They just absolutely believed that they were in God’s capable, loving and merciful hands.
That is my word for you today. With or with out the fire, let your faith be lifted to God. We must recognize that God’s intervention occurs for reasons far more important than because He is a “nice God” who answers prayers.
God is aware of all of the suffering that goes on. He is working out a purpose. Ask Him to continue transforming your thoughts and to help you maintain a right understanding of what’s true of you and your life.