Everyone has a unique story to tell about their lives; one of God working through the good, the bad and the ugly to bring forth the splendor of His majesty… Very few people would dare open up about deep secrets, but tonight I was awed by one brave who laid his life bare just to help some youngsters at Paris Palais realize “Whoever conceals his sins does not prosper, but He who confesses and renounces his sins finds mercy”(Proverbs 28:13).
His journey began when her mother, then at S4 got pregnant by a Muslim guy who, not only had a number of wives but also 7 other children by then… Talk of a single Christian mother’s struggle to fend for his son! Well, Alvin was trying to find out who he really was, unfortunately this pushed him to behaviors that would not only damage him but cost him his place in two schools! He wanted nothing to do with Christianity. He had established the routine: Get famous, get the girls, get the drugs, be called by the school administration and then off he went! Expelled! But for how long would he keep this up?
He joined the High School at Watoto Suubi not long ago. He immediately joined the band and Ben is the kind of guy who is welcoming but is very meticulous about discipling the young people. They not only play and sing, they get character training as they sit for devotions and also see him model Christ likeness to them.
Alvin’s dream seemed to be coming true, people noticed him, but fortunately or unfortunately to him, they notice who was really on the inside! Without his consent or knowledge; the gospel was being preached regardless of his motives. As he spent more time in God’s presence, he noticed a drastic change in his behavior and desires.
This was after he had been summoned by the school administration for his behavior. He was almost expecting the usual routine, but this time grace prevailed and Ben took upon himself to love on this young man and speak life into his life!
As he spoke to the students you could hear a pin drop. He opened up about how sex with girls, porn and masturbation could not satisfy him until he found Jesus Christ! He realized he can still be “cool” without being “crazy.” He concluded by thanking God for his “dad” Ben, who, standing beside him took the microphone and challenged the students that it would not profit them to gain the entire world and lose their souls!
We shared about sexual purity and we began praying for them. Many were delivered instantly! God showed them that His love forgives all sins, no matter how great they are as long as the person is willing to confess and renounce them.
Of the 500 students in attendance, 81 got saved and 50 signed up to join small groups!
By Pastor Stephen Banyikiza Wamara.
Pastor Stephen Banyikiza Wamara served with Watoto Church Suubi. He is often invited to respond to listeners’ questions on Power 104.1 FM through the “Ask The Pastor” program.