Times have changed. Way back, getting salvation (Okulokoka) meant a totally different thing from what it is now. Going to church is now a trend, a style, “Omulembe” – especially in Kampala.
People have pastors and churches but, they have totally lost the meaning of salvation. People sleep on unholy beds, have sex and have babies and yet, when they come to church, their number one prayer request is having a car or a bigger house. What if you die at night on that unholy bed!
People have more than one church. If they rebuke or correct them in one church, the next Sunday you will hear they moved to another church. They forget the importance of a local church. God honors commitment. Imagine if Noah built the ark and din’t finish it. Would God have been happy with him?
It’s ok to visit churches but commit to a church for years. Paul ‘pastored’ Timothy’s entire family. His grand mother Eunice, his mother Lois and him. We take time to find good schools for our children and forget their spiritual life, no wonder they break your heart in old age .
For me and my house, we will serve the Lord, as long as they are under my roof, we will go to church. Success without a successor is Not success.
People lie, cheat, divorce, refuse to pay their tithes, yet they say, they are believers. It’s better to not go to church at all than wasting your time and ending up in hell. Then, why did you waste your time in church?
People have dumped bible teaching churches to prophets in search for miracles. (As long as they preach what Their ears want to hear). Selling them things. They have forgotten that all you need is faith as small as a mustard seed!
Not every one should lay hands on you. People will pass on evil spirits to you! Some churches do only encouraging. Others only rebuking. Paul says , your pastor should rebuke, correct and encourage. It should be a full package.
But these days whom do you rebuke, how do you tell them “sir you will need to have one wife not 2” we fear to offend any, they will run and stop planting their seed! We are busy shepherding goats instead of sheep.
I hear some preachers, once saved always saved, oooooh how their ears love to hear such sermons! Radio stations and TV stations will. Promote that, give them a lot of airtime so they explain their points, well.
How? scripture says, when a demon is chased, it goes back and brings seven others. if it finds the house empty, in other words, the Holy Spirit sits in that place where the demons used to , but the demon checks whether it’s house is empty. Question: what makes the house empty? To me it’s sin.
Let’s stop building on sand. When the rain and the flood cometh, most of the Christians today won’t stand. We no longer know the difference between a club and a church. Our dress cord, we think money is salvation. The love of money is the root of all evil – It’s in your bible.
We have become so lazy, no wonder we frequent the wrong teachings. We can’t fast anymore, we pay someone to fast for us in the name of I will take my seed and the man of God shall prophesy!
The devil roars like a lion. He’s not a lion he only roars like one. There’s only one lion the lion of Judah. So wake up before the devil steals your soul. Get off that unholy bed. Start a new chapter. God is love . He loves you deeply. He left the 99 to look for you one sinner. Can you keep your faith for the next 40 years?
Let us remain sober! Let us not sleep like others. People Pursue money, fame and authority. They can do anything even if it’s killing. What are you chasing?
He will seperate goats from sheep on that day. The big question is, will you be on the goats side or sheep side. So it doesn’t appear like we were abusing people, it’s in your bible
I also preach this as student not a professor, a sinner who needs a saviour. We have all sinned but like the tax collector, let’s all say Lord have mercy and forgive my soul. Wash me with your blood. Amen.
(Mathew 25:31-46, Mathew 12:44-45, 2 Timothy 4:2)
May the Lord bless you and prosper you. Have a blessed week.
Message by Pr Wilson Bugembe