For the longest time in her life, she felt like a total mistake. She wondered why God had created her .
” I spent a large chunk of my life dissatisfied and trying to change myself with no success.” Mrs Beatrice Byemanzi, wife to Pastor Jeremy Byemanzi who serves with Worship Harvest Church reveals.
The mother of two says that one of her biggest hindrances to moving forward at that time was the opinion of people.
“I needed everyone to approve of my dreams, relationships, and decisions before I could take another step, and boy, was I paralyzed half the time. It was painful. And guess what; I blamed people for ‘stopping me’ from moving forward, until I came face to face with the fact that only I was responsible for my life, and I would have to give account for every opportunity lost, investment thrown, relationship un-nurtured…life!”
Beatrice says life changed when she came to acknowledge that one of the qualities of God is that He never makes mistakes. She could not continue placing the responsibility for her progress or the lack thereof on others.
“I remember the day I realized that God had invested Himself in me in a unique one of a kind way – that I was a steward of His life and gifts, and it is required of stewards that they be found faithful. Not that they please everyone, but that they be found faithful. Now, God defines faithfulness as multiplying what has been entrusted to our care. The responsibility for multiplying what has been placed in your care is only your responsibility. No one can grow on your behalf.” She says.
“So I picked myself up and started on the journey of taking responsibility for the life I had; I recognized that I couldn’t undo the choices I made in the past, but I had the power to make a different set of choices moving forward. So I dug in. Literally. It was tough! I was a chronic people pleaser, and a peace maker – it was my responsibility and mission to step on no toes, and make sure everyone was happy, and now I had to find a new mission in life – to live the life God ordained for me…I had to find myself.” She adds.
Mrs Beatrice emphasizes that God is always waiting on us to be faithful in what He has entrusted with us.
“Maybe you are like the old me; unsatisfied with who you are and what God has entrusted to you. With every kind bone in me, I say with love ‘get over yourself and live!’ I promise you will be free. Be you. Multiply what you have, not what you wish you had, live life without apology.” She explains.
“God will make some giants leaps on our behalf. After all, this is the year of extraordinary progress, and we have to grab it by the horns and make progress. Today, break free from the prison of wishing you were someone else and accept that you are irresistibly incredible just the way God made you and make a commitment to find yourself and be faithful. Let’s go!” She notes.