April might have been a challenging month for some people, but for Mrs Oluwakemi Uduehi and her husband Imudia Uduehi, it is one they will forever remember for good.
Mr and Mrs Uduehi welcomed a set of Quintuplets last month, who are all strong and healthy along side their mother.
The babies, all girls, were born at the National Hospital Abuja, Nigeria. Couple had the children after their wedding.
While sharing her story, Mrs Oluwakemi Uduehi told reporters that she had asked God for twins.
“I asked God for twins. I prayed and when it was time, I didn’t rush it. I told God when I wanted to get pregnant. It’s just like when one goes to a camp in a church and the pastor asks one to make a prayer request. I prayed to have a set of twins, rest for a while and later have the rest of my children.” She said, during an exclusive interview with Sunday Tribune.
“We haven’t had any children before now. We didn’t plan for five children. However, when my wife was pregnant and she went for a scan, we were told that she was pregnant with five children. I was a little apprehensive because of the number. We weren’t convinced about what the scan revealed and we even assumed the machine could have been faulty. So, we went to another facility to verify and we were told the same thing. So, we knew then that God was up to something in our family.” The husband, Mr Uduehi stated.
What was your experience like in the last month of your pregnancy, Mrs Oluwakemi was asked.

“It was eight months actually because nobody can carry such pregnancy for nine months. Anything God does, He doesn’t add sorrow. Though it was stressful but with the help of God, I didn’t have any complication. I could move freely to wherever I wanted, except when my time of delivery drew near.” She said.
The husband added: “The truth is that everything about this pregnancy is a miracle because she carried the pregnancy for 34 weeks and three days and from day one, she didn’t have any complications. The only issue she had at 33 weeks was itching in the stomach. Apart from that, there was no issue at all till she had the babies. In fact, during her pregnancy, she was even helping women who also had babies. All I can say is that it has been God.”
News spread all over Nigeria when this couple welcomed the Quintuplets. It rather intensified when the new father, Imudia Uduehi, made an appealed to his government seeking for financial help since he was unemployed.
“I am delighted and I thank God to have blessed us with these healthy Children. I know it is a huge responsibility because it is not easy to raise even one child.” Mr Imudia said.
“I’m however appealing to the government, well-meaning Nigerians and corporate organisations to come and support my family in raising the Children.” He further stated.
No regrets
Is there any regrets having five children at a go? Unemployed Uduehi stated that “There are no regrets. The children have come to stay and we have the duty to ensure they are fine. I’m glad God brought them to the Uduehis. I have no regrets whatsoever. For myself, I would love to have something sustainable for the children.”