Literally hundreds of thousands of Christians throughout the country began the New Year — which is also, the beginning of a new decade, with an extended time of prayer and fasting.
This spiritual practice, Church leaders and Ministries told Uganda Christian News, helps many set the course for the rest of the year (decade).
Although many Christians choose January, this isn’t the only month reserved for corporate fasting. The desire for some is to end 2020 better than they did 2019. Several Churches are praying that God will guide leaders in policy formation such that the work of the kingdom will not be hindered.
Many Ministries are setting themselves apart through fasting and prayer for God to give them creative ways to reach the lost with the gospel, and for Him to bring the provision and right partners in the work of the Kingdom.
Others are asking for boldness, grace to build and maintain family altars where they teach their households God’s word and also preach at every available opportunity.
This year, most Churches kicked-off the fast on Monday, January 4th or 10th. And will continue for 21 consecutive days or more, as they give more of their attention to God and His Word and grow in their faith.
Church officials at Watoto define fasting as voluntarily abstaining totally or partially from food. This is for a specific purpose and in most cases, it is to grow closer to God. In doing this, they explain, you disconnect from the lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and pride of life.
“The effectiveness of prayer and fasting is in our faith in God to graciously answer our prayers. It is neither in the length of our prayers nor in how long we can abstain from food. So prayer and fasting allows us to disconnect ourselves from worldly distractions so that we can reconnect with God. Beware of your medical condition and choose wisely on how to get involved,” Watoto Church said in its prayer guide.
Adding: “As we get into 2020, let’s forget all that’s in the past and focus on living sold out to God and His purpose for our lives. There is no limit to what God can do with a life that is fully surrendered to Him.”

At Worship Harvest Church, Pastor Moses Mukisa launched ‘Season 21’ as the Ministry embarked on 21 days of fasting and prayer. Several facilitators (preachers) have since been ushered in to encourage and equip believers in order to impact their community and nation.
At Bethel Covenant Connection founded by Apostle Masinde Gerald Rovis, their 21-day fast commended 6th January.

“As we start this 21 Days of Fasting and Prayer, I want to encourage you to join me in thinking about the next 21 days as more than just going without food, or a spiritual battle, or a discipline to get what you need from God,” Apostle Gerald Rovis said.
“All of those things will certainly be aspects that we will encounter, but there is more. This is a spiritual journey, think of it as a spiritual pilgrimage. A pilgrimage may lead you to a new place physically but primarily leads you to a new place spiritually,” he said. “You’re not making this journey alone, the God who loves you more than you can imagine is calling you to a new place, a new season, a new experience of His glory.”
The preacher revealed on 8th January that “we can choose to put a stop to an ungodly relationship or forgive someone who has offended us, or take a step of faith to serve God in a ministry.”
“We can set aside some time everyday to communicate with Him by reading His word and building a consistent prayer life. Whatever the Holy Spirit is saying to us today, choose to obey and say ‘yes’ to Him,” he added.
Phaneroo Ministries International team leader, Apostle Grace Lubega called 2020 as a year of ‘Redemption.’ Here, believers started 40 days of prayer and fasting on 2nd January, 2020.
Christ is revealed to those who have understood the places of prayer, Apostle Grace Lubega noted in a devotion addressing the essence of prayer.

“It does not matter how deeply you preach, you will never preach deeper if you do not pray. It does not matter how many times you have read the Bible, if you do not commune with the Holy Spirit, it will never shed off,” he said.
“When a man or woman of prayer stands before you, the intensity of their closet will always be obvious. It will be visible in the wisdom of their speech, the authority of their voice and the fruit of all their labors in the gospel. Make prayer your ministry,” he said.
That aside, prominent Christian leaders and ministries throughout the United States, among other countries, urged and supported a call for millions of people to fast and pray at the beginning of the new decade and throughout 2020 .
Jentezen Franklin, a leading voice in a fasting movement labeled ‘The Roaring Twenties’, told CBN News, “While fasting is a private discipline that yields many personal benefits, the promises of fasting can also impact your community and your nation. In the Bible, there are cases in particular where fasting literally changed history!”