Born in 1986 and raised in Tanzania to Ugandan parents, Nancy Kacungira remains a force to reckon with for so many Christians across Africa.
The KTN Kenya news anchor attended the recently concluded ‘Youth and young adult’ conference at Labonita in Kampala, Uganda, with several other speakers that included Evangelist Aisha Namuli and Apostle Grace Lubega of the Phaneroo Fellowship.
Running under the theme ‘Find purpose in Christ’, Nancy’s message on Sunday was built around the story of Jesus and Peter walking on water in Matthew 14:22 – 33.
Nancy’s only sister is called Seanice Kacungira. Her mum and dad separated when they were young. By then, they lived in Dodoma, Tanzania, where her dad worked as a pilot with a charter airline.
She on Monday took to social media highlights of her speech to the youth, urging that she was blessed to share her experiences that have made her the woman many applaud today.
My message was built around the story of Jesus and Peter walking on water in Matthew 14:22 – 33, because that’s my experience. I’ve been in storms that looked hopeless, only to realise that great things happen when you build the faith and courage to dream more, expect more, and decide to walk on the water that’s trying to drown you. A few things this passage taught me:
Even when you’re doing the right thing, storms may come. The disciples were only in the boat because Jesus himself told them to get in – yet they still encountered a storm.
Don’t doubt in the dark what God told you in the light – always remember His first instructions to you. Jesus told the disciples “go to the other side”, not “go to the middle and drown”. They were destined to make it.
Your fear of the problem is more dangerous than the problem itself. Jesus knew the storm wouldn’t kill the disciples – He didn’t even calm the storm immediately. But when he saw they were afraid, thinking he was a ‘spirit’ – he immediately tried to calm their fear; it was the greater threat. God has conquered your problems already. But if you don’t conquer your fear, you can’t use the power He’s given you.
You can’t walk on water if you don’t get out of the boat. All the disciples saw a miracle that day – but only Peter lived it; he got out of the boat. Getting out of your comfort zone is the only way to live an extraordinary life.
Keep your eyes on the prize. The ultimate goal is getting closer to God, not fame and success. As long as Peter kept his focus on getting where Jesus was, he was fine. When he paid attention to what he was actually doing, and the big waves around him, he started to drown.