Christians at Kansanga Miracle Center are in jubilation following the miraculous healing of a young boy, who’s parents brought to this church when doctors across the country failed to find the root cause of the disease he was suffering from.
As the Church testifies, David and Rashida had lost the first child a month ago to an unknown sickness, and soon after, the remaining, baby Elijah got sick and was hospitalized.
The Parents say that for all doctors they consulted, none could locate the specific disease the child was suffering from.
All effort was in vain yet the expenses on every visit to different hospitals was heavy on their pockets.
“Tired of staying in hospital with no results yet the child was getting worse, they felt led to seek help from Church on Friday night,” the Church says.
Pr Isaac Kiwewesi led them through a deliverance session that saw their child completely healed.
The mother, a Muslim, was taken aback on seeing her child well again. Rashida immediately accepted Christ as her personal Lord and Savior.