A new report shows that the streets of Minneapolis, in the United States where George Floyd was killed have become sites for evangelism due to the outpouring of protesters.
CBN News revealed on 9 June, 2020 that organizations committed to reaching the world with the Gospel of Salvation have for nearly two weeks witnessed multitudes get baptized after accepting Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
Joel Bomberger, a preacher with Circuit Riders, a missional community, shared an image of a baptism that occurred on the street while bystanders cheered during the joyous occasion.
“A team of our Circuit Riders went to Minneapolis to hold open-air preaching of Jesus and healing calls at the intersection where George Floyd was killed,” Bomberger told CBN News.
“There are too many testimonies to recount!! They were able to preach to thousands and saw hundreds responding to the Gospel of Jesus!!” he added.

One video posted online shows a street preacher leading the crowd in a salvation prayer saying, “I believe that You rose again, defeating life and defeating death. I give you my life. The Holy Spirit…lead me, guide me, show me the fullness of what it means to follow You, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”
According to CBN News, even though hearts are still reeling from the injustice done to George Floyd, the Gospel of Jesus Christ is advancing as many are finding solace and salvation in a Heavenly Father who brings hope and healing.

Another preacher, Shara Chalmers of Love Wins Ministry and her husband Daniel were in Ashville when George Floyd was killed. According to CBN, she received a vision from God that sparked the idea to offer foot washing.
“This is the church’s greatest hour,” Shara said. “We cannot miss our moment to become the answer to ending slavery, which is love. Serving our brothers and sisters feet—standing in the gap when there are police officers. We have to arise and shine and model the message.”