Adoration Ministries has announced its forthcoming Worship crusade slated for 16th December, 2016 at Mbale stadium, in the eastern region of Uganda.
Like never before, the Ministry emphasizes that this crusade will be a platform given up to God to usher in the Ark of the Covenant (Presence of God) to different territories and nations through radical worship and praise to Jesus.
It has been labelled ‘Bamasaba Worship Crusade (Prophetic and Miracle Worship Night)’, and it is expected to gather multitudes from the center of Mbale, Sironko, Bududa, Bulambuli, Manafwa, the surrounding sub-region and Kampala.
This crusade will run under the theme “Praise God with Drums and Dance”, with reference to Psalms 150:4. The ministry aims at publicly demonstrating the Miraculous and Prophetic power of God through Worship.
“We carry a passion of publicly worshiping the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in Truth and Spirit (John 4:23-24). We are now close to 3 years in steady and progressive ministry, the LORD being the author and perfector of the vision,” Muyama Milly Pita, the vision bearer told UG Christian News, emphasizing that the Worship Crusade will be filled and driven by the Holy Ghost.

“The Bamasaba are a precious tribe positioned at the Eastern Gate of Uganda. They are worshipers and Evangelists by calling. As a young generation, we need to understand the burden and position of Bamasaba in GOD’s eyes at a time like this to enable the church to prepare for the forth coming revival,” Muyama Milly Pita, who is also a married mother of one stated.
The Worship crusade will draw anointed ministers that include; Pr Wilson Bugembe, Pr. Brian Lubega, Prophet Kiganda Michael, Pr. Macho Samuel, Pr. Onyango Fred and Pr. Mourice Sam.
Milly further revealed that they will also host Mbale’s best gospel artists such as; Mike Musaalo, Erasmas Mwaka and others.