Bad news can turn our world upside down and push us into irrational conclusions, like “God has abandoned us,” or “He doesn’t care.” Human nature reaches for a reason, any reason – In our confusion, we often target and blame God thinking He has deserted us.
But that’s not the nature or character of God, as renowned Gospel music minister and song writer, Patricia Mujungu reveals
Mujungu has officially released as new song with a strong message of Hebrews 13:5-6. Titled “He Is here”, this new melody comes two years after the singer took off time to be renewed, refreshed and transformed in the presence of God.
The worship leader and mentor has shared with UG Christians News details about this song which vividly expresses that God is with us and no one and no thing can snatch us out of the hand of Jesus nor of the Heavenly Father .
Lets start on the lighter side, tell me about “He is here”?
Mujungu : He is Here is a song about the compassion and unfailing love of God in our lives that is always available for us no matter the circumstances around us.
Are you the writer, if yes, what inspired you to pen down this song?
Mujungu : Yes. The inspiration is drawn from Mathew 14:14 (And Jesus went forth and saw a great multitude and was moved with compassion towards them, and healed their sicknesses)
Speaking of seasons, do you feel this song has come at a time many seem to question the presence of God in their live and country?
Mujungu : Yes I strongly believe it is the right season it has come in the right time.. Despite of all the seasons, God remains, He doesn’t change. He is here and He never forsakes his children.
Along the way, you sing, “He is the master of the storms” – Have you in times past been through some storms?
Mujungu : Yes storms always come along life, I’ve been in a couple of things and I have seen Him calm the storms. All I can say is He is faithful.
What advice do you have for someone who feels God is not with them?
Mujungu : God is real, He is here and He is faithful. If you doubt Him, ask Him to show Himself to you. He’s so kind – He will how Himself.
If there is one scripture that best describes the message this song delivers, which one is it?
Mujungu : Lam 3:22-23: it is of the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning, great is thy faithfulness.
What project are you working on currently and what else can we expect this later part of the year?
Mujungu : The video of the song is coming soon and more music.
Listen to “He Is Here” on Sound Cloud Here