Whether or not we want to accept it, we are in the midst of a battle. All around us there is a battle-taking place in the Spiritual realms, both inward and outward.
Through the Spirit, we can become aware of this battle and know how live in victory, rather then defeat. Understanding the dynamics of the battle, and how we are to engage the enemy is vital if we want victory.
This is what London-based gospel minister Mrs Betty Ssenabulya told the congregation that gathered for prayers at Praise Cathedral Church located at Ntinda, Kampala.
“Every now and then we find our selves in spiritual battles. Not by choice. If we can only know the source of the battle, then we have the knowledge to stand the battle, know how to attack and get victory.” she said.
Mrs Betty Ssenabulya has been in Uganda for a while now, spearheading activities to her founded women-empowering evangelical program labelled Beauty for Ashes international.
During her sermon titled ‘Identifying the source of battle” on Sunday, she said that for all battles that we find along the way during our salvation walk, they are sourced from 3 different areas, and the way to fight them depends on this.
“If the bible tells us that He trains our hands for war, our fingers for battle, lets agree that there are battles to fight for as long as we live in this body. For a battle, we can have God as a source, Satan or man,”
“God’s battles come for two purposes, for training and exaltation. How do I know that this battle is from the Lord? Peace and Joy are always at heart. For this battle, we need two things to achieve its purposes. – Humility and a listening spirit.”
She said that once we maintain peace, we have the victory – “this is what the enemy wants to steal from you. The bible says that pursue peace.”
Coming to battles from the enemy, she said that these are to still, kill and destroy a believer. And that the enemy always attacks at the opportune time.
“Most people leave ministry when they are about to be lifted. The bible speaks of the opportune time. The enemy knows the opportune time in your life to attack – he know when you are at your best – not when you are on your knees. He attacks when spiritually, physically or mentally you are exhausted,” she said with reference to 1 Kings 19:1-8.
“Before he attacks, he has planned this times back. Not that the battle has not been won, we stand to enforce the victory that was won at the cross,”
“How was it when the enemy approached Jesus? Luke 4:13 – When the devil had finished all this tempting, he left him until an opportune time. As Christians, some times we attack the enemy just like that, when we are not dressed (No in full armor). The gun of the believer must be loaded fully,”
“No one is wise enough to take on the enemy. Only Jesus who took him on and defeated him can give you this wisdom. I am not going to say – Fast a lot – Pray a lot. Have a strong relationship with the One true God – Know the Word of God. These I have tested and know as true,”
“Jesus sent an example for every believer, when Satan on the Mount of Temptation confronted Him. He who could have chosen any weapon replied to Satan temptations with scripture. The scriptures Jesus used answered the temptations brought forward by Satan. Whatever our issue is we can look to scripture to defend against Satan’s assault on us.”
Concerning battles from Man, she urged that such wars stem from our own selves. The more we keep blaming the other party, the more the war goes on.
“Hannah was wise to close down the invitation when Peninah invited her to strife, that means there is a way to avoid strife. If we start our own battles, God expects us to Finnish them. Take your very heart – life at the cross of Jesus,” she said.