“I have read several reports in the press that we are working on a Bill to legalize abortion but that is not true.” says the minister for health Dr. Jane Ruth Aceng.
Her meeting with state owned news paper the New Vision follows recent conflict between Human rights activists with religious leaders over the alleged emerging ‘Abortion Bill’.
Here, religious leaders reminded the government that abortion is murder, with Dr Cyprian Kizito Lwanga urging that any law allowing abortion would be a recipe for disaster.
Rev Stanley Ntagali, the Archbishop of the Church of Uganda added his voice to fellow clergy under their umbrella organisation (Inter-religious council) stating that the 23rd provincial assembly of the Church of Uganda resolved never to legitimatize abortion.
The former State Minister for Ethics and Integrity James Nsaba Buturo on Friday launched a campaign against the same – “a hatched move by some officials in the Ministry of Health to legalize abortion.”
“Religious leaders should know that in about 160 countries where legislation allows abortion on broad indications, there is a lower incidence of unsafe abortion and much lower mortality from unsafe abortions, as compared to legislation that greatly restricts abortion like in Uganda,” Centre for Human Rights and Development executive director, Mr Moses Mulumba told the Daily Monitor last week, urging that the Bill will set standards and guidelines on abortion.