Senior Pastor and Founder of Jubilee Christian Life Church International, Ap. Dr. Wilson Evans Kulaba has said when it comes to the gospel and scattering the seeds of God’s love, grace and message of salvation, Pentecostal churches should be in unity and not competition.
When Christian ministries and churches opt for competition with other congregations, they forget that the battle is not against flesh and blood, the preacher has revealed, explaining how the only way forward as a powerful army for the gospel is in unity.
Apostle Kulaba made these remarks on 15 December while addressing hundreds at a prayer conference organised in the Capital – Kampala by Pastor Kimuli Michael, the vision bearer and senior pastor of Christian Discipleship Ministries Int.
“Comparison is killing many ministers and Christians today. Because someone is doing something, you want to do the same. So we end up confusing the people we lead and they end up being swayed by every whirlwind of doctrine – Ministers have opted for competition, instead of humility, he said.
“Greatest challenge we have in the Body of Christ is there are no figures we are looking up to. Thank God for Apostle Kimuli and other good men – despite the mess, their are some men of God still standing. Be comfortable with your own skin – Your ministry is packaged with everything you will ever need,” he added.
He urged Church leaders not to lose their vision over the “fat things.”
“Do you have a vision? You are going to be tested. You are going to meet fat and good looking things along the way that will want to sway you away from the vision God has given you . Anything that wants to bend you down is not of God,” he said.
He made reference to 1 Samuel 13:1-15:33 where God commanded Saul to destroy the Amalekites but he and his army spared “the best of the sheep and cattle, the fat calves and lambs—everything that was good.” They only destroyed what they thought was undesirable and worthless. They spared King Agag because in his time captured kings were a prized trophy of war.
“Do you know that Saul was given a test of ministry and he could not pass it. Saul, He was a king on the throne but before God rejected. Tests in ministry are part of our making. They are part of the process – a test is there to prove how much you are prepared,” Ap Kulaba said.
“The enemy wants you to abort the dream, to give up just on the basis of material things, on the basis of money. Money does not build a ministry, I have seen so many, but they don’t have a ministry – what builds a ministry is the power of God upon your life,” he continued.
“When you work on your own, you become an ordinary man, there is no difference but, with the Spirit of God, there will be a difference upon your life and ministry,” he added, noting that Ministers ought to be filled with God’s power and not man’s wisdom or ideology.
Other Ministers who graced the conference included; Apostle John Mulinde, Apostle Joseph Serwadda, Pastor Isaac Kiwewesi, Pastor Tom Mugerwa, Apostle John and Sarah Bunjo, Pastor Wilson Bugembe, Apostle Ronald Ssali, Pastor Justine Nabbosa and Apostle Charles Tumwine among others.