Anxiety is something that exists in many people’s lives and in a way, when it reaches the stage where it overwhelms you mentally and physically, it affects your normal routine.
New York Times’ best-selling author and pastor, Max Lucado through his new book ‘Anxious for Nothing’ shares that anxiety disorders are the top mental health problem among women and second only to substance abuse among men in his country.
Lucado has on Wednesday told 700 Club Interactive “The presence of anxiety is unavoidable, but the prison of anxiety is optional.”
“Anxiety is not a sin, but rather an emotion,” shares Max. He believes that despite our chaotic world, Christians can discover a life of peace and calm.
“Christians have been taught that the Christian life is a life of peace. The problem is when we don’t have peace we assume the problem lies within us. Then we not only feel anxious, but also guilty. Our aim – our only aim – is to be at home in Christ. He is not a roadside park or hotel room. He is our permanent mailing address,” Lucado says.
“He is our place of refuge and security. We are comfortable in His presence, free to be our authentic selves,” reminds Max. “It is not our job to know every detail of our future. God controls and manages the universe. He directs each element of the universe to act in a way that fulfills His divine purpose. That’s why the most stressed-out people are control freaks. The more they try to control the world, the more they realize they cannot,”
Max shares, “We can’t take control, because control is not ours to take.” The Bible has a better idea. Rather than seek control, entrust it to God. This is the message behind Paul’s admonition to “rejoice in the Lord.”
“Peace is within reach, not for lack of problems, but because of the presence of a sovereign Lord. Sovereignty gives the saint the inside track to peace,” reveals Max.
“Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7 NIV). When we feel anxiety welling up inside of us, cast it in the direction of Christ. Find a promise in the Bible that fits our problem, and build our prayer around it. Your answer may not come overnight, but it will come,”
And, finally Max reminds us to reshape our thought patterns. “You occupy the control tower and can direct the mental traffic of your world. Thoughts circle above, coming and going. If one of them lands, it is because you gave it permission. If it leaves, it is because you directed it to do so. You can select your thought pattern,” shares Max.