We are in cultures that propagate the theme, “it is all about you!”, follow your passion, be all that you can be, dance to the beat of your own drum as you find yourself. Yet, this is one of the greatest enemies of transformation in our societies, speakers at the annual Fearless Summit organised by the family of Mavuno Churches have revealed.
As followers of Jesus, the speakers emphasized that Christians need to live beyond the four Church walls. “We need to be transformed beyond our selfish ambitions, our limitations, our horizons and start living for the transformation of our societies as we expand the Kingdom of God,”
The panel included Worship Harvest lead Pastor, Moses Mukisa; Pastor Julian Kyula, the founder and senior pastor of The Purpose Centre Church based in Nairobi; Ms Rina Hicks, an outstanding, young investment guru, a corporate finance analyst and operations director at Faida Investment Bank.
Others were Mr Adrian De Visser, the Founder and Senior Pastor of Kithu Sevana Ministries, a missions-oriented church-planting organization based in Sri Lanka, and an accomplished entrepreneur who has grown a business with a global footprint.
Pastor Julian Kyula in his speech challenged the congregants saying if they want to become fearless leaders, they must lead from the spirit of God.
“Stand for something. Whatever you have to say, offer the least of it, the greater in what you do and greatest part in what you are,” he said.
“You have every ability to be bold, but also to be humble,” he said.”The one thing the world is very good at is to make you a king, God wants to make you a servant.”
The Pastor urged that Power is God-given and it should be used to serve others and not to benefit oneself.
The Summit speakers emphasized the power of God is first supposed to transform us before we can transform the world.
“God has all the power to do everything as He wishes but He chooses to work through us feeble human beings through His power that is at work within us. Jesus had all the power and yet He chose to use His power to serve. He chose to wash His disciples feet.
“What will you do when you get power? Will you be like Jesus and use your power to serve or will you make it all about you?” Pastor Kevin Pike from Holland, Michigan said, adding that all ministry activities should be done with humility whether one gets an accolade or not.
The other speaker, Bishop Masika who is the founder of Christian Impact Mission sharing about the impact of Christianity in the world today.
He urged that Churches need to fight the dependence syndrome by empowering the people.
The answer for Africa’s problems lies within Africa, he said.
To make Africa 1st world, we need to have a mind-shift. Africans need to leave the box that we have put ourselves in. Don’t just go for conferences and not take action on what you learn. Get out of the box! Take action,” he told the congregation.
The bishop stated that a time has come when Christians “must grow” in all spheres.
“We have the capacity to change our families, communities, countries and to position Africa where it is supposed to be,”
The summit happened at Mavuno Church, Hill City Campus, Arthi River – Kenya starting 6th June, and will end Friday, 8th May with “Fearless Worship” from artists including Uganda’s Mike O.