Mavuno Church Kampala has launched a 10 week program organised to help married couples find life and fulfilment even after saying “I DO”.
Dubbed ‘NDOA’ a Swahili word for marriage, couples married and aspiring to, gathered at Seven Trees gardens – lower Kololo in Kampala on 1st February to learn more about the interactive and experiential marriage preparation and enrichment experience designed to tool one with the skills and knowledge it takes to build a strong, lasting marriage
“NDOA is designed to be an interactive and exciting experience,” the Church says, noting that the experience is divided into two streams in order to adequately address the concerns of those in various stages of the marriage conversation.
“With NDOA Equip, this is designed for couples considering entering into marriage, and seeks to help them anticipate marriage issues and prepare them to pro-actively address them,”
“NDOA Enrich is designed for couples, either married or living together, seeking to improve the quality of their union. It seeks to address the unique challenges of those already in this stage,” they add.
Once of the beneficiaries from the program, Mr Businge Leonard said he discovered his personality and that of his wife and how that affects every decision they make as people.
“We got to ask the tough questions and to know that date night is not just a ‘Muzungu thing'” Businge explained.
In today’s busy world it can be difficult to make time for each other, Mavuno Church says, make you marriage a priority and never take your spouse for granted.
“While being different from our spouse isn’t a bad thing, conflict can arise if we don’t understand where the other person is coming from – In NDOA we encourage couples to have date nights and frequent Retreats. We shall do these twice during the NDOA program. Your marriage is the priority, do whatever it takes to take all other distractions out of the way,”