How can we take Uganda’s most vulnerable women and equip them to become leaders in their communities?
This is one of several questions Marilyn Skinner, co-founder of Watoto Church, answers as she equips and offers practical advice to thousands at more than 10 locations across the UK this month.
By sharing inspirational messages on the subject of ‘Woman: Africa’s Greatest Resource’, the wife of Gary Skinner is encouraging and mobilizing fellow women from all walks of life to stand firm in Christ, work together to impact the world and be able overcome difficult situation, illness and other challenges that they may face daily.
“Marilyn firmly believes that when a woman is equipped, she can reach her full potential, and her whole family is transformed,” a statement issued by Life Church Belfast when they hosted Marilyn on 17th October said.
“Marilyn has been at the forefront of Watoto’s work with women and strongly believes that when women are given purpose and dignity through practical training and comprehensive psychosocial support, then they can become incredible leaders and mothers in the nation,” senior Pastor of AOG Central , Ben Ritchie told UK media reporters days before Marilyn’s visit to the Church on 12th October.
“Marilyn is an energetic and passionate speaker who will inspire all who hear as she talks about improving the lives of some of the world’s most under-privileged people,” he added.
Acccording to the release from Watoto Church, her last visit will be to The C3 Church, CB1 3HR – Cambridge on Saturday 21st October.
Gary and Marilyn have since 1984 placed thousands of orphans in families, empowered vulnerable women to reach their communities, rescued babies and former child soldiers, and sent children’s choirs across six continents.
In 2015, Watoto conducted a vulnerability survey and this is what we found:
17% of women reported receiving no formal education,
46% of those who had gone to school never reached their final year of primary school,
43% of those women were unemployed,
61% of those women had no income generating skills, and
83% of those women earned less than a dollar a day.