Why Memorize Scripture? Dallas Willard, professor of Philosophy at the University of Southern California, wrote, “Bible memorization is absolutely fundamental to spiritual formation. If I had to choose between all the disciplines of the spiritual life, I would choose Bible memorization, because it is a fundamental way of filling our minds with what it needs. This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth. That’s where you need it! How does it get in your mouth? Memorization”
Tom Meyer, member of Wordsower International Ministries and a professor at Shasta Bible College in California, has published a book written in a format he says will help people memorize verses and even entire chapters of the Bible.
The Christian Post reports that Tom Meyer has the ability to recite 20 books of the Bible from memory. He has released a study Bible that reveals his techniques.
Meyer explained to CP that the study Bible came from what he believed was a vacancy among study books.
“I have endeavored to embody my technique of memorization on the pages of this New Testament Study Bible with the purpose of facilitating memorization through the power of format combined with my technique of using the number of words in each verse to aid in memorization as I write out each verse long hand.”
In May 2015 , Meyer and fellow Wordsower member Jason Nightingale recited assorted Bible books from memory for 24 hours straight as part of an event to raise money to help earthquake victims in Nepal.
“The essence of those techniques are essentially reading aloud the text continuously while using the format of the page to help photograph the page on your mind, to listen to the text being read aloud in a dramatic fashion, and writing out the verse numerous times while speaking the verse at the same time.”
When asked what he wants readers to take from his study book, Meyer said it’s his hope that others will master Bible memorization just as he has.