It is one of the meetings music minister, Humphrey Kiingi popularly known as Hum Kay will never forget in his entire life. Not just one, but many testified to having received their healing following a miracle worship meeting in Botswana where he had been invited to minister.
Do miracles still happen today? Because they break the laws according to which the carnal mind is supposed to operate, many will doubt their occurrence, much more the presence of God.
However, Hum Kay, who hopes to someday run a school of worship in Uganda, believes that intentionally spending time with God, learning the heart and ways of God and pursuing Him with a lifestyle of holiness will refocus our attention and worship to the only one who is worthy.
The vocal coach and former lecturer at MUK was speaking to fellow music ministers and Christian media operatives when he shared the testimony of a man in Botswana who got off his crutches and walked in a worship meeting.
“This man had been hit by a car,” Hum said. That aside, the singer also shared an event that transpired during his visit to Rwanda in September for the “Overflow Africa Worship Conference” at Christian Life Assembly Church in Nyarutarama, Kigali that attracted several notable guests from Uganda and other East African countries.
“I was told that the audience we were ministering to has a ‘tourist’ sort of orientation. They could more easily pull out Ipads and film you worship than actually worship with you,” Hum Kay Narrated. The congregation however had an amazing encounter that everyone was deeply involved and trapped in a maze of God’s presence.
Hum Kay says true worship, it is a state of heart more than anything else; and this inner state must revere God above all else.
“Train your spirit to be attentive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit… Praise is about God but worship is to God,”
“I’ve developed over years the disciple to keep my flesh under and my spirit sharper. The latter is very critical for a prophetic worshipper,”
“Once you find God’s purpose for your life and line up, then He’s under obligation to take care of you. For instance, there is a time i travelled for ministry with Shs 3000 on me in a foreign land. But soon as I arrived someone asked that all my hotel bills be sent to him. Someone else told me never to buy airtime while in this country. Another forbade me from ever using a cab. He said; just call and let me know where you are and where you want to go.Point is, seek God’s purpose and not your ambition,” He stated.