A visiting senior pastor from Christ United Pentecostal Ministries (CUPM) Houston, USA has in his sermon at Praise Cathedral Church – Ntinda on Thursday encouraged Born-again Church leaders in Uganda to love one another.
This development comes in the wake of increased wrangles, disagreement, hatred and dispute among many, which has resulted into division among followers of Christ too.
Pastor Charles Bagenda said through love, Christians distinguish themselves from the squabbles of the world, noting that anyone who loves God must also love their brother and sister.
The father of three used Jesus’ statement” “If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her,” found in John 8, to teach congregants not to accuse others unless they first thoroughly search their own hearts and minds to make certain that they are pure in every possible aspect.

Pr Bagenda was attending a four (4) day conference labeled “From Grass to Grace to Glory,” expected to run till Sunday. In attendance were the Cathedral senior Pastors, Dr Godfrey and Edith Kamese, and affiliate leaders from as far as Masindi district.
“Be faithful and royal to one another. Love one another. Love your neighbor to the right and to the left. If we love our selves, then the world will know that Christ is among us,” he said.
“We are the same Christians tearing ourselves apart, we are looking at other people and breaking them up. We were all bought by the precious blood of Jesus. The blood that bought you is the same blood that bought me. Rich or poor, we are all bought by the blood of Jesus. We have to love one another,” he continued.
In 2004 and 2007, Pastor Bagenda was honored by the Mayor of Houston for his exemplary leadership in the community and later, in 2007 awarded a certificate of recognition as an outstanding and dedicated minister in the meetings and evangelism.
“My gift and your gift, we put them together, we make a great army unto the Lord. You are precious… God’s family we respect one another – not because you are too young, or the other too old…some are hands, some are legs, others feet – but we all make the whole body of Christ and without you, we are incomplete,that why we need you,” he stressed.