And the apostles prayed, Lord, increase our faith (Luke 17:5).
So is it true that our faith can decrease? Yes, when the hope is delayed, When we face tougher challenges, When the enemy fights our faith, when our prayers are not answered on time. When we see our friends or family members go through fire time, when God calls us to do a great work for Him.
Imagine if you are Noah and you have to build an ark and invite a rebellious generation to enter the ark. Or if you were Jonah .
I remember when the Lord asked me to start a Church in Nansana, Worship nights, Celebrity Sunday, Mercy child care with my friends, I said, “Lord, increase my faith”.
As we enter the new year 2017, water into wine, I pray that the good Lord will increase your faith, to see a new season starting up come 2017.
Some times, we are addicted to a habit that we badly want to drop, we know it’s sin but we can’t stop; sometimes we are like a car that has lost breaks on a speeding high way.
You know if you don’t stop that habit, soon or later you will crush.
Lord as we start a new year, we pray you increase our faith so we can drop certain habits, and pick up better ones. Water into wine.
Message As shares in Part By Pr Wilsom Bugembe (29/12/2016)
Light the World Church Nansana, where Wilsom Bugembe is lead pastor, will hold Passover Night Prayers (turning Night) on 31st December, 2016. Free entry, 5pm till late.