When the lockdown was enforced, Churches closed their gates and doors as a result of the pandemic, COVID-19. It was a big shock to many leaders, and to date many haven’t moved on with the hope that the pre-lockdown normal conditions would return.
In my book, “The Governing Kings And Priests Of The Land,” I wrote, “ even if all the Church buildings around the world were to be destroyed on a Sunday morning, Jesus would still have His true Church that He is building, intact and alive! Services would go on uninterrupted 24/7/365; for we are a spiritual house, built by living stones (saints) for a habitation of God, laid upon a spiritual foundation stone, Jesus Christ.”
For a long time, the word Church meant a place, location or denomination where we go to attend Sunday services. This is partly true, but in my view, this could have contributed to the bigger problem in understanding, considering the present reality, called the “new normal.”
I know, it takes time and huge investments and maintenance costs on the building projects we have every year worldwide, and for this to be closed all of a sudden with no access to the “house of worship,” left many in shock. Many other Churches concentrated on the buildings, few concentrated in the investment on the real Church (the people) and her mission (reaching the lost in the world). Every activity was centered around these facilities, and suddenly, “ministry stopped” which is a big time “disruption.”
I have had many interesting discussions on the Church re-opening with some few friends and somehow these thoughts keep coming in my mind and a number of questions.
Please get me right, these are my views and line of thoughts. They are not meant to convince you in any way, and they don’t have to. They are simply my reflections on the current reality. The world seems to have moved on but many in the Church are still lamenting. At least, I have penned my thought down to stir up thinking.
Closing the Churches was easier than will be re-opening
The conflicting medical reports, fear and life-threatening dangers caused by COVID-19, the yet to be released Government’s SOPs on re-opening might still be a challenge to those who are agitating for immediate or soon re-opening. It “might” take longer.
Church online
Recently, someone asked me a hard question, and I had no answers for it. “Is it just the Pastors who are interested in the opening of the “buildings” or It’s also the Church members – the majority of whom are in the Generation X enjoying Church Online?”
a. In every age, the Church has the responsibility of reading, interpreting the gospel to fit in a particular age in time. The Mission hasn’t changed but the medium has.
b. There is no vacuum. Are the members enjoying or are they already used to the “New normal” of doing Church such that they wouldn’t risk the old normal with all its risks and inconveniences caused by COVID-19 among others?
c. What are they missing apart from the building, that they can’t have from the Church at home, which now presents them with a variety of options and more time to seek god.
d. Is it that we weren’t a wake when the transition to the new normal began over 20 years ago or even more? The newsletters, radios, tvs, internet etc.
e. Do online people count? Look at amazon, eBay etc…they sell to the world!
During this lockdown, has Church been going on or not?
Some would say yes others no. Could it be that God allowed this interruption to re-define for us who the Church is? We remained with our precious buildings under-lock, but where are the people? Suddenly, it’s dawning to many that ministry is all about the people and not just the buildings. I am not against buildings, we need the buildings, but when our ministry priorities change then they become idols.
Have other Churches moved on into the “new normal” and how can we adjust to it? The new normal has come with its many challenges, yes, we need the buildings, but the real message God is speaking to us is that “ministry is all about people, go where they are – and engage them there – online.”
a. Even if we are allowed to re-open, how many can you seat in your building taking care of “Social Distance?” How many are willing to be inconvenienced while waiting on long queues, sanitized, sprayed etc, yet they can follow you, maybe online and be safe at home with the family? How would your people feel about worshiping in face masks, can’t greet, hug, etc in the in-person services while social distancing, and more?
“And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached into all the world and the end shall come.” Is this disruption working in favor of this scripture? Can this disruption accelerate the fulfillment of the gospel going into all the world? I believe it’s a good question to ask.
In this century, almost every person has a phone, a radio, internet, some tvs etc. Can God who allowed and gave wisdom for these inventions and innovations not use these mediums of communication for His glory and acceleration of His work?
My take is, the world has changed and its better we ask God how best we can carry His assignment in the new normal.
Digital ministry may not fully replace the physical meetings, but it has become the new normal. Let’s devise new methods that can combine or take advantage of both.
The rural Churches
Rural Churches have access to radios in every home and some are advantaged to have smartphones and tvs. It now calls for synergy and partnership to work with others on how best these members can be disciples. Printing materials are available with many other para-church ministries country wide that can be used to help these communities.
a. We have to equip the saints to do the work of ministry and get away from the superstar syndrome whereby all depends on the one man or woman of God. It was an illusion when lockdown happened. Most members have encountered God personally and still pursuing Him alone in their homes with the help of online ministries.
The new normal “might” be preparing the Church for the days ahead, especially persecution. If all our buildings are targeted and destroyed, the church will still be alive. Like in China, they may not have the privilege of assembling in buildings and freedom of worship, but they are multiplying faster than anywhere in the world where there is freedom of worship.
The quality of their discipleship is seen in how they stand and increase in the underground churches amidst persecution. How are they doing that?
Lastly, many may be surprised or even be shocked when the opening is allowed. Will you have your people as it used to be before? Even now, how sure are you that they are following you online. Like I said…closing was easier than opening….Selah.
My thoughts.
Pastor Victor Odundo is a computer specialist who received God’s calling upon his life in 1994, and was separated by God into full-time ministry in 2011. He is the founder of Yahoshua Global Consult, a Kingdom Business Organization specializing in Christian publications, empowering and equipping of leaders, and a mentorship program for children and youth aimed at equipping and raising a new generation who can effectively “inherit and govern thrones” based on God’s blueprints in all spheres of society. He is a member of Watoto Church, Intercessors for Uganda, Africa House of Prayer, and serves as an Executive Committee Member with Uganda Jubilee Network (UJN), an umbrella body that serves the body of Christ in Uganda.