By Paul W Dennis
Against her will, she was a pawn in her father’s evil game.
Nakayima Sofia was born into a family that practiced witchcraft for many generations in Mubende district. She was just a few years old when her father, Hajji Drake Amooti began using her in satanic rituals.
“I was believed to have appeased the gods and the spirits of Nakayima and therefore, rituals had to be performed on me to fulfil the requirements. Having sex with my father was the major ritual,” Sofia narrated her story at Miracle Centre Cathedral – Rubaga, in Kampala.
Sofia told the Church she was tasked to offer sacrifices to the gods, some in form of a snake, drinking among others human blood.
Her first sexual experience with her father while she had just started her adolescence got her pregnant.
This did not stop her father from making more moves to her, with no mother, no place to run to, she painfully gave in to being her father’s wife and to serve as a special attendant in the shrine in which her father was the chief witch.
“Fate befell me again when I conceived my second baby, tired, desperate and confused,I sneaked out of her father’s home and made her way to Kampala,” she told the Church.
Rising from the ashes of abuse
Upon reaching the city in November 2016, Sofia made her way to Miracle Centre Cathedral where she witnessed several miracles taking place during the ministry revival meeting code named; 77 Days of Glory.
“When I saw testimonies, miracles, and confessions that several people made, I quickly joined the testimony line with nothing to testify about but confess to the world and denounce witchcraft,” She told the Church.
“It became tense at that moment as we kept figuring out what could be done to help this teenager who was heavy with her second child,” the Church said.
One of the Church Pastors Jessica Kayanja quickly pledged to help Sofia and this marked her turning point.
She begun to live like other people, eat real food, and although she had complications during the delivery of her second baby, the Church celebrates the fact that God spared her life and her baby, Enoch.
She was baptised with a new name, Emiliana Tendo and offered a new home.
During one of the services later at the Church, a stranger just came forward, after hearing her testimony and handed her car keys.
Abusive father re-surfaces
Sofia was later shocked to see her father make his way to the Church. Was she ready to forgive him?
Hajji Drake Amooti broke down before his own daughter and asked for mercy and forgiveness, which she did.
“His confession of being husband to his daughter and how the spirits had left ever since Sofia got saved left the crowd worshiping and Glorifying God,” the Church said.
Hajji Drake Amooti later gave his life to Christ and today, Sofia is a wonder.