By looking at the life of Mary, the mother of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, we will see time and time again how God reaffirmed His specific will to Mary and how we, like Mary, can expect God to periodically restate His will for us so we know the promises and provision He has for us are indeed true and will come to pass.
Gabriel told Mary that she had “found favor with God” (Luke 1:30). Certainly bearing and raising the Christ Child was an incredible favor. But it was not the greatest favor God bestowed on Mary. Though he gave Mary a completely unique calling, he favored her in a way similar to how he favors all his children.
Mary was not sinless. Mary deserved God’s wrath along with every other fallen human. This meant that God’s favor on her was unmerited — The same grace is available to us in astonishing proportions. God can take even the bad things and, in the proper season, turn them around and use them for good in the way He intends – our duty is not to question Him, but step out in faith no matter how hush the situation we are in.
Mary’s greatest blessing was not being mother of The Child. Her greatest blessing was that her Child would save her from her sins. And this blessing is given to everyone who believes in him (Matthew 1:21).
Blessed Is He Who Believes
It is always a matter of faith. Mary was a teenage virgin from the village of Nazareth, but she believed the Word she received from the angel. Joseph had to believe God’s promise too. Our King and Savior has issued His promises to you through His Word and you cannot know what to claim unless you have read the Bible.
In the book of Exodus, there was no water or food in the desert, but God wanted his people to depend on him for their daily bread. It made no sense to fight an army with almost no men (Judges 7-8), but God wanted Gideon to know who really has the power. It made no sense to pick David from the outside appearance, but God looks at the heart, not what we see.
Noah, God asked him to build a large boat to save his family from a flood when it never rained before. (Hebrews 11:7). Joshua – God told Him to cross His people over into the Promised Land even though it was enemy territory. (Hebrews 11:30).
It’s not based on your own strength, resources, and abilities. It’s based on His. Little did Mary and Joseph know when they first met… God had a miracle in store for them. It wasn’t logical. It wasn’t rational. And so with her relative, Elizabeth who conceived at old age.
Even when God’s message to you seems too impossible to be true— believe in Him. May we, like Mary, respond, “I’m here! The Lord’s servant! Let it happen for me just as you have said!” (Luke 1:38).
By Samuel Ballagadde.