Hebrews 3:19 tells us why the children of Israel did not enter into the promised land. Their challenge was the same thing that keeps children of God today from enjoying the full benefits of their salvation: unbelief.
Famous Christian journalist, Rukh-Shana Namuyimba says “wavering unbelief stands in the way” of bringing to life that which was already finished through Jesus’ death on the cross at Calvary.
“When we fail to weave the story line and carry it to the end, we hang our heads in shame – all this while, the story we so desperately want to write was written while we were yet unformed,” she says.
“At the foot of the cross where Grace and Mercy met a beautiful tale was woven!” Rukh-Shana adds.
According to Rukh-Shana, Christians should know that God’s grace is unattainable by own efforts, but is available through faith in Christ – for everything we need for life and godliness.
It is always God’s will for you to be healed, prospered, delivered, favored, and blessed beyond measure? It’s all in His finished work for you? The psalmist advises us to “…forget not all His benefits” (Psalms 103).
Rukh-Shana says: “We go through life struggling to write stories that were written from before we were in our mothers wombs! We beat ourselves up when we fall short of the perfect script and cast.”
God has made it possible for one to know Him and experience an amazing change in one’s own life.
“I purpose to rise up each day encouraged by the fact that my story was written when He said, “It is finished!” Rukh-Shana concludes.