Popular Christian musician and song writer, Silver Kyagulanyi is reflecting on turning 40. As a way of giving God the glory for all he has achieved to this point, Kyagulanyi has announced a ‘Tribute to God at 40’ album in which he highlights how God’s grace, and not luck, has preserved him.
Kyagulanyi took to his official Facebook page on Sunday to launch a 40-day celebration of his 40 years of life.
“I will keep sharing bits and bits of my life to give God the glory and hopefully to encourage, heal and restore others,” he said.
“I want to thank God for all the good things but, even for the scars because they remain as signposts to remind me that it could have been worse if not for the Grace,” he added.
“Looking back on my childhood , through the seminary and generally school, the gift of music that God gave me ensured that I always extra- ordinarily stood out. At some point my parents couldn’t afford to pay my fees but I was the kind of Kid who got a bursary without necessarily asking for it. By general standards I made my contribution to the music and and still run a successful company- SIKIA,” he said.
As you may recall, Uganda Christian News last year reported about how Mr Kyagulanyi graduated from law school, and is now a practicing Advocate of the High-Court.
Kyagulanyi has also released a new single labelled ‘Ekisa Ekinondoola‘ loosely translated to mean ‘The Grace that follows me.’
“The first verse of the song portrays how the grace of God has preserved me even when I’m imperfect and often making careless, reckless or foolish choices…I use the figurative of a deer with broken toes surrounded by lions to portray how God through His grace protects me even when I’m helpless and hopeless,” Kyagulanyi shared a review on the song.
“The second verse depicts that even when I did not know much of the spiritual world, I was preserved by the grace of God,” he said. “I use the imagery of a child innocently walking towards or even touching a snake and never getting hurt to marvel at the grace of God.”
“The bridge tells of how difficult it is to know who is good or bad in this world. However, the grace of God makes all that irrelevant because in the end I’m still safe and sound,” he continued.
Kyagulanyi made a call to his online audience to share testimonies during the 40 days on God’s grace under the hashtag ‘ #ThatGraceThatFollowsMe or #EkisaEkinondoola
“As I give tribute to God, I would love to do it with all my fans, friends and family. I would love to know how far God’s Grace has brought all of you, I would love to hear all your stories and testimonies beginning today throughout the next 40 days,” he said.
“I realize that whatever I called luck was the Grace…I give glory to the Lord for the past 40 years of life, good health and happiness,” he said.