“Kenneth and Gloria Copeland have accepted an invitation to be a part of The Faith & Culture National Advisory Board that presidential candidate Donald Trump is forming,” read a statement released on Thursday by the Copelands’, on their ministry website.
The list of names was announced by Donald Trump’s campaign team on Tuesday as the presumptive Republican nominee’s evangelical executive advisory board.
Renowned televangelists and preachers Kenneth and Gloria Copeland say, the acceptance to the Advisory board should not be considered as a “political endorsement” for Donald Trump but as an opportunity to “speak intelligently” on issues with “strong biblical perspectives”.

“By accepting this invitation, the Copelands have the opportunity to be valuable contributors to conversations surrounding important issues relating to faith and culture that could shape the future of our nation,” the statement further reads.
“In addition, this is an occasion for them to share their faith with Mr. Trump and influential members of the board,”
The two concluded by calling upon the church to pray for them, “Please join Kenneth, Gloria and the entire Kenneth Copeland Ministries staff in praying according to 1 Timothy 2:1-4,”
According to Donald Trump’s campaign team, the board will “convene on a regular basis,” with some of them responsible for organizing Trump’s meeting with Christian leaders in New York City.
“Members of the board were not asked to endorse Trump to participate, the campaign said, but rather the list represents “Donald J. Trump’s endorsement of those diverse issues important to Evangelicals and other Christians, and his desire to have access to the wise counsel of such leaders as needed.”