Several Christians have testified to facing rejection in life. The feeling that your presence is not wanted or no longer welcomed can cause you to feel hurt and become defensive. Regardless of how it surfaces, it may hit you as a major blow or through one of the minor yet hurtful ways.
Many people are born and are immediately rejected based on race, color, creed, culture, appearance, intelligence, or family genetics. As painful as rejection can be, it doesn’t have to work against you, as legendary gospel musician Kirk Franklin revealed recently through one of his messages to the online audience.
Kirk Franklin encourages Christians to smile although they will face rejection and closed doors due to their faith. The 47-year-old has managed to spread his message into the mainstream music industry, but he says because he’s a Christian artist, he will face rejection and will only be able to go so far.
“I know the scriptures we prefer to hear are about ‘our season’ and ‘your harvest’ which have their place, but no well balanced meal can consist of only ‘key lime pie’ and ‘Krispy Kreme’. Broccoli and asparagus never gets the party lit, but it does keep that waist thin, and your character and thought life trim,” Kirk Franklin said. “I’ve been blessed to have some ‘yes’s’ in my life, but for every yes you’ve seen, there’s been a thousand ‘no’s.’ Not because I wasn’t prepared, or I didn’t do my homework, but nails, Calvary and the blood aren’t easy to turn up to.”
Kirk Franklin relating to 1 John 3:1, said “the reason why the world does not know us is that it did not know Him.”
“The reality that no matter what we do or how hard we try to diversify, expand our brand, master our craft, because we carry the cross of Christ, there will be a ceiling we may hit because we are affiliated with the name Jesus,” Franklin explained. “The next time you’re rejected, smile! You’re doing your job.”
“That isn’t sexy theology, the kind that makes you do laps while the organ plays, but it does help you not take it personal when you are rejected not because your presentation wasn’t dope, but because the Jewish carpenter you brought with you isn’t swaggy enough,” he stated.
The award winning singer says despite of it all, the job of any gospel minister includes among others knowing the bible for “anyone can use a scripture to defend their view, that’s why you gotta know the whole book, and not just the verse,” he said.